Wow I've been doing a lot of authors notes lately😂. Don't worry, this one is just to say than you to all of my amazing readers! And also to apologize for the next couple chapters, so I'm sorry. You might not get why yet, but you will. Then you can all kill me.
Natasha's POV
So after that very humiliating defeat we all went to bed. Or well everyone else went to bed, I went to the gym and started getting my frustrations out on a punching bag, or rather 15 punching bags. Around 4 am even my stamina started running thin, so I went to my room and fell asleep.
(Dream time)
I was in hidden in the wall of the compound. Barely breathing as I heard footsteps coming closer. They weren't footsteps I recognized though, it wasn't an avenger or demigod. I slid a knife out of my sheath on my thigh and got prepared. The footsteps stopped. I took a breath steadying myself. Then the wall got torn open. In front of me stood a man. He had short blonde hair and a scar across his left eye. Just by looking at him you would have expected his eyes to be blue, but they were pitch black. Another set of footsteps started rounding the corner. I attacked the first guy.
He was strong and fast. He had obviously been trained partially at camp half blood. I quickly knew I wouldn't have the time to beat him before the other person came around the corner. So I kicked him backwards and ran. As I was rounding the corner, a different guy, with black hair and a glass eye, stabbed me in the neck. I fell backwards. As I started losing consciousness, I saw the third person. A girl with dark brown hair and looked like her eyes were made of black stars.
I woke up the second I lost consciousness in my dream. Looking at the clock I realized it was only 8. 4 hours of sleep wasn't awful. I got up and went to the kitchen. When I got there, there was another breakfast spread. After I ate, I went to find Piper. Unfortunately I found her with Annabeth, arguing.
"I'm fine Annabeth! Stop worrying about me!"
"But your not! I can feel it Pipes, I don't want you to go down the road I did."
"And what road is that? Grief! That's natural Annabeth, everyone grieves differently! I just found a way to let go of mine. It's still there, but it isn't tearing me down and making me unable to function!"
"But it is! Trust me, after everything I've been through, I know when your acting. I know cause I did. I fell into freaking Tartarus, and I acted fine after so you wouldn't worry about me! Same thing when my family died! You need help Pipes."
I felt like I was watching a tennis match. Then Piper saw me.
"We'll finish this later Annabeth, what's up Nat?"
"Um can we talk?" I glanced at Annabeth, "alone?"
"Yeah lead the way."
I led her to my room, one of the few places without microphones, cameras, or a lock that can be opened with FRIDAY.
"So I had a dream, and there were three evil demigods in it. I was wondering if you knew who they were?"
"Describe them"
"The first was a guy, blonde hair, surfer tan, and a scar over his left eye. He looked like his eyes should have been blue, but they were pitch black. The second was another guy, I didn't see him as well, but he had black hair and a glass eye. The third was a girl with dark brown hair, and eyes that looked like they were made of black stars. I only saw her as I was passing out."
"Well the first guy sounds like Luke Castellan. The second I have no clue. And the third could be Zoë Nightshade, but she was never evil. Luke actually hosted Kronos, but he also ended up killing Kronos so he's a hero. Zoë was a lieutenant of Artemis, she was killed by Atlas. I'm still stuck on the second guy."

My new life(Piper McLean and Avengers Crossover)
FanfictionThe war with Gaea is over, and Piper can finally go home and see her dad. Everything seems perfect, until the car crash. This is my first story, please be nice!!!