Chapter 2

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Pipers POV

Laying there on that pavement, I remembered that turtle. I had just jinxed myself by saying it couldn't get any worse didn't I? I could hear people screaming and some sirens wailing, but it almost seemed like I was under water. I froze unable to believe I had forgotten about my dad. I tried to sit up, but couldn't. A paramedic ran over and started examining my wounds.

"Broken ankle, cracked ribs, concussion." I listed off the injuries I'd already taken note of to her. "Oh and that nasty cut on my head, but that one is pretty obvious." I noticed my speech was slurring. I tried to sit up again and nearly passed out.

"Hey just stay still honey," the paramedic said, "we'll get you to the hospital in no time."

"My dad, is he ok?" I was almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Not sure yet sugar, I don't think either of you are ok at the moment. But don't worry we'll get you patched up and ready to go in no time."

I smiled, remembering how Percy said that one lady from Georgia, Esther maybe, called Frank sugar. Then I passed out again.

Laura's POV

I was teaching Lila how to take care of her horse when my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but knew it must be important if they had my number. After all Clint did get us state of the art protection tech when he joined SHIELD.

"Hello this Is Laura Barton speaking. How may I help you?" Oh gosh please don't let Clint be hurt.

"Hello Ma'am this is Officer Bethany Wilkinson with the Los Angeles police department. Would you happen to still be in touch with Tristan McLean and your Goddaughter Piper McLean?"

"No, I'm sorry I haven't spoken to them recently. In fact the last I heard from them, Piper had just found a brand new camp to help her with her kleptomania."

"Well then Ma'am I'm sorry to inform you that Tristan McLean passed away this morning from injuries he received during a car wreck last night. The man responsible for this wreck was apprehended this morning. You are now the official guardian of your goddaughter Piper. I understand you may need time to grieve, but we must ask you to come to Los Angeles as soon as possible to fill out all the paperwork."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing Tristan, my best friend since ninth grade, had died. And Piper, oh poor Piper she was always so kind. She only stole things to get her fathers attention since he was always so busy.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I replied to the police officer. "But how's Piper, what are her injuries like?"

"She has 4 broken ribs, a broken wrist, and a concussion." The officer replied sadly, "she will live, but the poor girl has no family left. Your the closest thing she has."

"Thank you for telling me officer, I'll be there as soon as I can." I replied already wondering how I would tell Clint what had happened.

"Thank you ma'am and I truly am sorry for your loss." With that the officer hung up. I sighed and walked into the house.

Lila had gone to get ready for bed when I received the call. The boys were already in bed, I had let Lila stay up so she could care for her horse without those two trouble makers underfoot. Now I walked into her room and kissed her goodnight. I crept downstairs so I wouldn't wake anybody up, and lay down on the couch. How was I supposed to tell Clint that we were the only people who could adopt Piper? She was the daughter of TRISTAN MCLEAN. It would be all over the news  and all the work Clint had done to keep our family out of the spotlight would be for nothing.

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