Chapter 19

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Will's POV

Something was going on. Bianca hadn't come back yet and the guards were getting nervous. I hoped that meant she had been rescued, but in reality she had probably been killed. I sighed and looked at the bed. Kayla was fast asleep with Calypso and Zoë. Frank was on the floor in front of them and Luke was asleep at the end of the bed. Ethan sat beside me watching the door.

Suddenly a bunch of alarms went off and all but one of the guards took off. Maybe there was an attack? Hopefully it was our friends coming to rescue us. I sighed and stood up. Ethan looked at me and I nodded. We shook everyone awake and told them it was time. Well we basically just woke them up and mumbled now in Greek. Luke and Ethan used their super strength, and Frank transformed into a Gorilla, to open the door. Then Gorilla Frank knocked out the guard. We quickly formed the line and ran down a corridor. 

Zoë was in the lead, because she had been here the longest and knew her way around the best. After that was Luke, then Kayla, then me, then Calypso. Ethan was after us and Frank, still a gorilla, brought up the rear. We ran until we reached a back exit. We all stopped for a second to catch our breath, but that was a mistake. The wall started to shake and open up. Almost like a tunnel. We all started work on opening the door, but Frank told us to stop. He transformed back into a human just as the wall completely opened up and a large group of people stepped out. 

I laughed in relief as Hazel stepped out of the hole. She whirled around, holding out her spatha, but dropped it when she saw it was me. 

"Will thank the gods." She turned and saw everyone else, "Frank!" She leapt at him and nearly tackled him in a hug. "Come on y'all everyone else is still in the tunnel." We all followed her, even Kayla, with varying degrees of reluctance.

About ten feet down the tunnel we ran into Wanda. Kayla gasped and the two embraced each other. We knew we needed to move, even if Hazel did seal the tunnel behind us. None of us had the heart to break them up though. Soon everyone else from farther down the tunnel came up to us, obviously having a time when they were to come for backup. Nico immediately ran over to me and gave me the worlds biggest hug. When Pietro saw the two girls hugging, he started crying and joined them. Their family finally back together again, even if their parents were still missing. 

We gave them a minute more, then Nico said we had to go. He and Hazel shadow traveled us all out of there and as soon as we got back I went to work on the two of them. Pietro immediately ran off and got the others. They all arrived 10 minutes later, well Pietro was more like a few seconds but still. By that time I had declared Nico and Hazel fine and everyone was sharing their stories.

Piper's POV

Everything was crazy, by the time we had all caught up on what happened, we had to decide what happens now.

"You guys should stay with us at the compound for a little longer." Wanda was the first one who addressed the elephant in the room. Everyone nodded and seemed to like that idea. But Thalia brought up a good point.

"We all have responsibilities we need to get back to, but what if we made it a tradition. Ever year we get together and do the contest, and of course we kick your guys's butt." There was a lot of protest at the last part, but other than that it all seemed good. We all flew back to the compound for one last dinner together before going our separate ways. 

The flight back was hectic to say the least. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say Leo, Kayla, and Clarissa in a small space with plenty of prankable people is never a good idea. We managed to make it back with no one dying and only person falling out of the plane(Tony, but he has his suit) so everything was great. Dinner was somber and drawn out because none of us wanted it to end. Finally the avengers got a call from Fury so we had to say good bye. The romans were dropping me off at the Barton's so I could finish out some time with them, and get to know them more because they were my legal guardians and my family now.

When we finally landed, Clint had somehow made it there before us. Then I saw Natasha there as well so it made a little more sense. What I didn't understand was why they looked so nervous. Everyone was safe everything had gone well. I didn't have to wait long for an answer though.

"Good you're home. We have a problem." Clint wasted no time with greetings, "Fury found out about demigods, he thinks they are a threat and need to be taken out. The Avengers and SHIELD are working together to track down the camps now. Nat, Bruce, and I will do what we can but you need to warn the camps. Laura I already sent the kids to your fathers house so they'll be safe. But you two need to go now. Don't use your phones and Iris messages aren't working for some reason. We need to go back to SHIELD now, but please go quickly and warn everyone. Otherwise this is going to get very messy very quickly."

Wow that was a chapter, and that brings us to the end of this book. So I have decided I will write a sequel to this book!!! It will be called ______(go read it and find out, if you saw this before it changed). It will pick up almost directly after this book. And the reason it doesn't say completed on this book now is because if I get three people commenting asking for it, then I will do a preview of the sequel. Y'all also have a choice, you have a month until this doesn't matter anymore(either the most comments win or I just pick) so comment please, but would you like the book uploaded in chapters like this one or all at once? Please remember all at once will take a lot longer and probably won't be out until August at least. Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me and I love all of you so much. If you ever need someone to talk to or would like feedback on a story or anything let me know. I am always here for y'all. Have a amazhang morning, afternoon, or night!

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