Chapter 3

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Clint's POV

We finally had a break, I could go home. I missed Laura and I missed our kids. The Avengers kicked Loki's Butt, and I could finally go home. I was packing up when Tony walked into my room.

"Hey man your coming with us to go get schwarma right?"

Shoot I completely forgot about that, guess I gotta wait a little bit, keeping my families privacy was more important than seeing them a few hours sooner. Right?

"Yeah I'll be down in a second."

He turned and walked out of my room. I checked my phone and saw a text from Laura.

L~Hey Babe, umm I kinda just got some big news and I need you to call me when you get a chance. I get that your super busy, but this is pretty important. 



C~Then what is it?

L~It's a lot to explain and I'm not sure I can over text, just call me when you get a chance.

C~Give me a few hours, I'll call you while I'm flying home.

L~K, I love you

C~Love you too😘

All I got out of that exchange was more confusion. What could be so important? Why did she seem almost scared? Was our family in danger? DID TONY FIND OUT ABOUT THEM? I walked out of the elevator with all those questions clouding my mind. Luckily only Nat noticed I was distracted as we walked down the block and into the shawarma joint.

We all sat down and immediately split into 20 different conversations. Tony and Steve were arguing about who knows what, Bruce was talking to Thor about the tesseract. While at the same time talking to Tony about the tesseract. While Steve was also talking to Thor about the battle. Once we saw they were all distracted Nat turned to me.

"So what's up Clint?"

"I got a weird text from Laura, she said she had something important to talk to me about. She wouldn't tell me what, but she did say she wasn't pregnant. And now I'm worried what if something actually wrong." I said it quickly, but I needed to get it off my chest.

"Hey it's going to be ok, we'll find a way to end this early and you can get on that plane and call her."

"Thanks Nat"

We finished our shawarma, and Nat checked her phone. I smiled knowing she was going to do something crazy to get me out of here. I couldn't focus on any conversation and even Tony was starting to realize I was distracted.

"Hey guys sorry to cut this short, but Hawkeye here has to get back to SHIELD. Apparently Fury called him like 10 times and he didn't answer."

I paled, knowing that's what they'd all expect. Being an assassin has its advantages for facial expressions. 

"I gotta get going then y'all see you later." I ran out of that restaurant and immediately hoped on the plane. Take off only took a minute, then another few minutes and I set the plane on autopilot, not to my house but the landing pad I always used. I spend half my time with Tony, there's no way he didn't stick a tracker on this plane. I finally pulled out my phone and called Laura.

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Thank goodness, give me two seconds to get the kids settled and I'll tell you everything."

"Ok no problem." Sometimes I wonder if her job is actually harder, our kids can be a handful. While I waited I got a text from Nat.

N~Hey I just saw that Tristan McLean died, wasn't he a good friend of Laura's?

C~Yeah, whatever she needs to talk about probably has something to do with him dying. Thanks for the FYI!

N~NP 😁

"Ok I'm back, the kids are watching a movie so we got a minute."

"What's wrong babe, I heard Tristan died. Are you ok?"

"I'm processing it, but I should be fine. The bigger issue is that I might end up in the news."


"Tristan had a daughter, her name is Piper. I'm her godmother and she has no other living relatives. Clint, they want me to adopt her. If I do, it's going to be everywhere, she's the daughter of one of the most famous movie stars in the WORLD! Whoever adopts her will definitely make the front page of everything."

"Well, I think the attack on New York will be taking up most of the news coverage for a while. And  Fury should be able to help cover it up as much as possible. Go for it babe. I can hear in your voice you want to, and I do to. This girl has been through so much, the least we can do is giver her a stable home."

"Thank you so much. I'm going to be flying out to LA tomorrow to go see her. She should be able to move here in a few weeks from what the doctors say. I want to get to know her a bit before then. After all, I haven't seen her since she was seven." She laughed a little, sad laugh.

"Of course, I'm flying home now, so I'll be able to take care of the kids. Heck I'll see if Nat wants to come out for a while. She loves them and they love her, it'll be nice having someone to help with them. I have no idea how you do it alone when I'm on missions."

"Honey, it's not hard. But I'm sure they'd love it if Aunty Nat came for a visit. I'm going to go pack, but text me when you land ok."

"Ok, I love you."

"I love you too honey."

I hung up, kinda in shock. We were going to be adopting the child of Tristan McLean. I did the only logical thing someone in my place would do. I called Nat.


Piper's POV

I lay in the hospital unsure of what was going to happen. I'd passed out as soon as I got in the ambulance, but woken up yesterday. It had been two days since the car crash and still, it hurt to move, but it was getting better. I'd sneaked some ambrosia when there wasn't a doctor or nurse in the room, so my healing was going by a lot faster than a regular mortals would. I lay there thinking, when my door opened for the 49th time that day. Yes I had counted. Instead of another doctor or nurse coming into check on me again, but a woman. I recognized her, but couldn't place where from. 

Suddenly I recognized her. It was Laura! She had been like the mother I'd never had when I was younger. She treated me like her daughter, and I thought she was the best person in the world. She taught me about everything a girl needs to know that a man couldn't teach. She was one of the people who saw me for who I truly was, not the kleptomaniac, not the daughter of a famous movie star, but a girl who didn't get enough love from her dad, a girl who felt out of place in the world. Even now that I'm 16 and not 7 I immediately feel safer with her there. 

She comes over to me and smooths my hair down. "Oh Pipes." Her voice cracks. "I'm so so so sorry."

"It's just a car crash Laura, I'll be fine."

"No not that, your father...he...he..." she can't finish, her voice cracks again and we both start crying. As much as my father and I had a weird, unconventional relationship, I loved him. We sat together for a while, crying, leaning on each other to get us through this loss.

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