Chapter 15

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Nico's POV

Hazel and I were completely and utterly lost. I'd seen a flash in the corner of the screen when I was in the computer room, but didn't take to long to exactly pin point how to get there. All I knew was that the flash came from a small town on the border of Georgia and Florida. So far we had traveled out of New York and are just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. Yes it has only been two days, and yes we definitely shadow traveled a little bit. Fight me.

It was my turn on watch, Hazel had taken watch all night last night after I had shadow traveled. She wasn't supposed to, but she's learned a lot from Annabeth. Like being scary. Anyway, I was jjst glad she had actually let me take a watch this time. It had been a pretty uneventful trip, we fought three empousi and a couple harpies. That was it though. 

I was calculating how much time it would take us to get to the locaton I saw when Hazel woke up. I first saw her roll over and sit up. Then she opened her eyes and yawned, doing the thing where you stretch your arms out. I smiled. I know it's creepy, but I enjoy watching people I trust wake up. Everyone shows a different side when they wake up. For example, Hazel is usually tough and reserved, but when she wakes up she looks vulnerable and trusting. She came over to me and saw what I was doing.

"So how long til we get there?"

"Well at the pace we're walking, plus probably two more jumps I'd say 2-3 more days."

"Could be worse right?"

"Yeah I'm just worried about them, every second we waste is seconds they could be tortured or something."

"Well then, lets get moving."

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"No, what am I forgetting?"


"Oh I'm not hungry, you grab something really fast though."

"Hazel, you didn't eat last night either. And I'm pretty sure you didn't eat lunch even though you said you did."

"I know, just leave it ok. I'll eat soon."



"Fine your eating an extra large lunch though and dinner."


"Or you could eat now." She sighed and took a granola bar. I smiled, at least she was eating something. We both finished quickly and we headed off. Time to go rescue our boyfriends.

Piper's POV

Everything had gotten worse since Hazel and Nico had left. Loki never left his room, Annabeth never left the computer room, and I well the less said about that the better. My own demons had started winning again. The last time theh had gotten this bad I ended up having to steal some medical supplies from the hospital because ambrosia and nectar weren't working fast or well enough. During the comopetitions, I'd been doing a lot better. And now I was worried I might lose it.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head and went to go check on Annabeth. When I got there I saw she hadn't eaten anything I had brought her. I sighed and took the plate. I threw our the food and went to the kitchen. Since it was brunch time I grabbed her some french toast, bacon, yogurt, and hashbrowns. Also some hot chocolate. This time I was going to make sure she ate.

When I got back to the computer room, Annabeth was still staring at her computer screen muttering under her breath.

"Hey Annabeth, I brought you some food."

"Just put it on a desk, I'll eat in a second."

"Thats what you said last time I brought you food and you didn't eat it."

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