Chapter 13

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Natasha's POV

It was the boy from my dream. He'd come and he'd kidnapped one of the demigods and Peter. Oh Peter he must be terrified. I'd told everyone my dreams. The demigods and Thor understood how serious this was, but everyone else didn't understand why I was so freaked out by this coincidence. We had agreed to wait til tomorrow to do anything. We were all exhausted and hungry. Poor Hazel was distract, apparently the missing demigod was her boyfriend. Tony was the same, but they agreed to wait.

I lay in bed unable to sleep, but I knew any nightmares I had would just be beneficial. Soon I'd managed to fall asleep, but all I heard was whispers.

Their waiting my lord

Sit down or I'll kill him

We must move quicker

Whose next?

That was all I'd managed to make out most of it was just mumble jumble. 

I woke up to a scream. It was Nico. I ran to go see what was wrong. I found him in Will and Frank's room. There had obviously been a fight, and the window was broken. Worst of all though, Will was missing. Suddenly there was a thump on the roof. I went to go investigate, but found Tony had beat me there. Peter was dumped in a heap and all tied up. He was unconscious. I helped Tony carry him to the infirmary. He woke up for a second, and all he said was "they thought I was one." It confused the heck out of Tony, but I'm pretty sure he meant they thought he was a demigod. And that meant whoever this was is targeting demigods. 

I went to go get breakfast wondering what else could go wrong. When the fire alarm started going off. I ignored it. Then Leo was brought downstairs. His eyes were empty, and Piper mouthed to me Calypso got taken. Namely we got Peter back, but lost two more demigods. And all before breakfast. The only other thing that could make this worse was if Loki showed up. 

Hazel's POV

I was taking a walk through the grounds, trying to clear my head. We lost Will and Calypso last night. Natasha also told us what Peter said. I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the man until I bumped into him.

"I'm sorry sir I wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's fine. Could you um, not tell anyone I'm here though?"

"Why are you hiding?"

"I did something stupid, and got my mind controlled. They made me do awful things to the avengers. I have been hiding for a few days trying to figure out how to tell them and beg for their forgiveness."

"Well if it wasn't your fault why are you afraid?"

"My name is Loki child. I did many terrible things, and the avengers are not as trusting as you are."

"I'm Hazel. And that's ok, I'll come visit you and help you out. My brother once did something stupid, but he was being manipulated. All of my friends forgave him. Don't lose hope Loki."

"Thank you child."

"Of course, if you ever need me throw this into the ground." I handed him a golden ring. It was about the size of his hand. He smiled and I ran to go get some lunch.

I knew the story of Loki, but I could tell he was being sincere. Plus I just generally trust people. And after losing Frank my mind was all mumble jumble. I sat quietly at the table rethinking our whole interaction while Annabeth pestered me to eat. I'd already eaten breakfast and had had dessert last night, so I knew I shouldn't. I ate a few bites just to make her happy, then went to my room. I threw up everything I'd eaten today. I know it's not good, but I couldn't help it. 

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