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Kirsten POV
"Kirsten? Kiiirsten!" A british voice shouts. British? How do I know that it's british? Ugh, I don't even know. "Yeah?"

Newt limps towards me, and smiles. "You get to try some jobs today!" He says while taking my arm, taking me away to another guy. "This, is Alby. He is the leader. He will help you with the jobs," Newt smiles again. Oh.. his smile.

"So Greenie, today you will work with Zart!" A boy with shorts and a blue muddy shirt walks towards us. "Hey! I'm Zart," He smiles and shakes my hand.


Finally, lunch. Not that Zart isn't nice, but it's just not a job for me. "Kirsten! After lunch you can try out med-jacks." I just nod and keep eating. Med-Jacks are like doctors, right? I shrug.


After the work was done I sit by the fire. It was already getting dark and the doors were closed.

It was actually kinda fun today. I look up when I hear footsteps. "Newt," I smile softly.

He nods and sits down next to me. "So, what did you think of the jobs?" I shrug. "Zart is nice,but I'm shucking bad at gardening," I laugh.

He nods. "I do help sometimes.." I nod and take my jar with water, taking a sip. "So, what is your job?"

He looks pained for a second, but smiles again fastly.

"I'm the second in command," He mumbles softly.


So, I wrote a new book called 'Another World', so maybe read it, vote? (:

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