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Thank ya for writing this Kirstenn (:


Kirsten pov

After a small tour from Newt through the glade I told him I wanted to be alone and he walked off.

Right now, I'm walking straight to the woods, knowing I can clear my mind there. I walk inside and slump down against a tree.

I put my head in my hands and think about what happend. I woke up with no memories, I met a guy who is abosolutly my type but he probably doesn't think the same, and I'm in a freaking Glade with only boys and one shucking girl.

Great life.

I then get up and walk through the woods. After a while I find a small house in the middle of the woods.

"What's this?" I whisper softly and walk closer to it.

I'm about to open the door as a hand lays down on my shoulder. In a reflection I quickly turn around and hit the person behind me. It's one of the boys out of the Glade.

"Oh sorry!" I say and take his hand from his cheek, inspecting it. 'Nah it's nothing bad," he laughs. "Still sorry," I look up at him, why is everyone so tall, or why am I so small.

"Thomas," he sticks out his hand.

"Uhm yeah," I shake his hand. "I don't remember my name yet."

"Don't worry, you will in a couple of days," then, he lays a hand on my back, leading me away from the building.

'What is that?" I say, meaning the small house. "Nothing you should know about." He shrugs yet again and we walk out of the woods.

It became dark and the gaps in the walls are not really visible anymore. I wipe Thomas his hand off and walk up to the walls, seeing that the other girl is there to.

"What is it?" I ask her as we stand there next to eachother. 'Yea i'm wondering about that too.." she chuckles.

I take another step towards it but then feel hands lock around my arms, yanking me away from the gap. But Gally being Gally pushes the other girl. Her head hits the ground and she doesn't get up after.

"WHAT WAS THE MEANING OF THAT!'' I shout and try to wiggle out of the guy his grip, he seems Asian and I remember his name is Minho. "Let. Me. Go." I hiss.

"I can't," he says on a calm tone. "And why n-" I get interupted by a loud scream out of the maze, together with a breeze which blows up my hair.

The doors close and I turn around to Minho.

"What the hell was that?" I start to freak out but then a hand intertwins with mine. I look up and see Newt. "Follow me," he says and pulls me with him. I stumble after and we stop after a while.

"it's a Maze.'' he says, straight ahead. "It's what?" I look up at him. "A maze," he repeats.

Another faint screams comes from 'the maze' and I look at the walls, slightly scared. "A-and that?" I ask, a small tone of fear showing.

"We call them grievers, not that we have ever seen one and live to can tell about it but-" - "Wait, did you just say they kill you?!"

"Yea, but don't worry, we're save her." I nod "okay, okay, we're save her." I whisper, reassureing myself.

"The bonfire is starting' he murmurs. "Come on, let's go" he pulls me with him again. I then see all the boys around a kind of thing build out of wood which sets on fire in one second.

"wow" I whisper. "Yea, it happens every month as we get new suplies and a greenie." He smiles. That reminds me of the note.

"Ehm" I take his hand and walk him to fallen branch while I sit on the ground. "This was in my pocket" I say, handing him the note.

He reads it and then mumbles it "they're the last ones." He looks up at me. "What does this mean?" "I don't know" I sigh. "I wish I knew"

"Don't worry about it, it probably doesn't even mean anything" - "Okay" I nod and look at everyone at the bonfire. Newt starts to explain everyone's job. He then gets to the runners. "They run into the maze every day, trying to find a way out'

"For how long by now" - "3 years" he mumbles. "How can I be one of them?"

"You?" He asks and frowns. "Yes me" I look at the runners. "Why would you, and you can't just do it, you have to be chosen."

"Oh" I whisper and look around again. "But, for tonight, you girl are the guests of honour." He says and pulls me up. We get to the bonfire, where I see Gally fighting, of course. I watch them for a while but then get pushed into the ring by someone.

"O, so the greenie wants to fight?" He says. "U-um no but-" - "I will" the other girl jumps in and I quickly step out again.

After a small fight, the girl wins. The boys start yelling and shouting.

I roll my eyes and walk off.

"Whats wrong?" I hear after a while behind me, facing Newt yet again. "Nothing, just shuck off" I mumble and walk on.

"I'm just trying to help you, never mind then" he sighs and walks off. Great, another thing ruined. I sit down against the wall and watch everyone slowly calm down and then off to bed.

As everyone probably sleeps I get up and walk to the fighting ring. Diffrent bows and knifes are there, together with a wooden target. I take a bow, some steps behind, aim the arrow and shoot.

Right in the target. I frown. Didn't expect that. I shoot again, it's yet the same. I'm getting used to weird feeling of the bow in my hands and shoot again and again.

"You're good' a voice from behind tells me.  "You're a stalker" I say, without turning. I hear him laugh and turn around. "But seriously Newt you're a stalker"

"I just like to watch you" he exlaims " plus I am a keeper and you're not allowed to be here at night" he quickly adds.

"I will go to sleep then' I hang back the bow and fasten to my bed. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. I hear creaks from a bed beside me, probably Newt and sigh, knowing I won't fall asleep soon.

This is going to be a long night.

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