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I look around. A big hut, with tools everywhere. Some big tables are in the middle of the room, with a couple boys surrounding it, looking down at a big paper.

"This is the Builders place. After breakfast we come here, and finish the stuff we have to finish. Then we look if we have to make new things, and look what we need and draw them. Then we have lunch. After lunch we start building, then dinner and then we build more. Sometimes we're done in one night, but sometimes we need a couple days."

I nod and I walk to the big table, looking down at the paper. There's a hut on it, designed on the outside and inside. "What is this going to be?"

Gally stands beside me. "This is going to be a new room for the homestead. Since we don't have enough space anymore, and it's probably where you and the other girl are going to sleep. Newt and I sleep almost next to you, so if anything is wrong, you can come to me." He says while pointing to the drawing.

I nod and then the other boys walk towards us. "Hey Greenie! Think you're strong enough to be a Builder?" I laugh and look at the brown-haired boy. "I knòw that I'm strong enough," I say back, making the guy laugh.

Then I turn to Gally. "Can't I first try out something? Maybe I do something wrong and then I shuck up the whole room.." I chuckle and Gally smiles.

"Maybe you can start making the bed? You have to make the thing where the mattras lays on, the mattras and ofcourse the bed." He gives me a drawing with step for step things.

I grab some wood and start measuring them. When I look at the drawing, I see I need nails and a hammer. Where do I have to find those? I see like five different hammers and it looks like a thousend different nails. But then Gally gives me some nails and a hammer. I smile at him, and start making the 'bed'.


"Done!" I say, when I put the bed together. Now the mattras, I think. "Gally? Where is the stuff to make a mattras?" He was working on the other bed. "It's in there," He says while pointing to a box. When I walk to the box, I see you only have to put some stuff in it, and then you're done. Easy, I guess.

I take the stuff to fill it, and keep filling it until its full. Then I zip, yes zip, it and lay it down on the bed. It looks kinda good for a first time, I guess. While looking at the bed, I feel Gally standing next to me. "Woah." he mumbles.

I look at him. "What? Did I do something wrong? Maybe I forgot something.. Does this mean I can't be a builder?" He smiles and looks at me. "No, this isn't wrong. It's actually really good, almost perfect." I look at him and smile.

"No, this isn't wrong. It's actually really good, almost perfect," I say and smile, while looking down at her. It would be perfect, if she was in it, while I was holding her. We would talk and talk, until she would fall asleep and I would fall asleep to, after watching her.

What? No Gally, this is crazy. Since when did you start thinking like that?! And she isn't even here for like.. A week! I sigh and two boys walk in. "It's almost lunch time. After lunch we can start working on the new room." I nod and look at Gwen. "You coming?"

Was this longer? I don't know aha, I'm typing on my phone so I can't see how many words I typed. But I hope you liked it, and the next chapter will probably be about Kirsten and Newt ☺️

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