His Trench Coat (Niki and Wilbur)

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(This one is gonna be short, but I'm just happy to get something out for you guys. So with that said, enjoy this)

Wilbur smiled at Niki from the other side of the room, before quickly walking over to her. Niki looked up at the taller man in front of her and smiled back at him. Wilbur looked down at the coat that sat on Niki's shoulders, before looking back up to her.

"Is that my trench coat, Niki?" Wilbur asked with a smirk

Niki chuckled and shifted the coat on her shoulders "Maybe." She said with a sly smile

Wilbur chuckled and gently pulled the tan coat up and over her shoulder, before smoothing out the wrinkles. Wilbur looked back up at Niki, whose cheeks were tinted a light shade of pink, but she was smiling non the less. She chuckled a few minutes after a bit and shrugged.

"Okay, maybe it is." Niki said with another smile "I got cold yesterday and I couldn't find mine and your's was the only one that I could find-"

"No no, it's okay," Wilbur chuckled a bit "It looks good on you Niki."

The blush in Niki's cheek deepened slightly as she looked down at the coat, but looked quickly back up at Wilbur.

"It looks better on you Wil," Niki said

Wilbur shook his head "Niki, I could never look better than you."

Niki looked at the scene in front of her.

Phil's sword went right through ghostbur's chest, blue blood running down his faded yellow sweater, and dripping onto the stone beneath them.

Niki wouldn't admit it, but there was a pain in her chest when she saw Phil's action.

It was for the best

Ghostbur looked up at Niki and smiled softly before his body fell onto his father's shoulder

Phil pulled his sword out from ghostbur's chest, before gently lifting his ghostly body up, and turning to Eret and Bad

"Now what do we do?"

Eret looked to Bad, before looking back to Phil.

"We wait."

The transparent figure of Wilbur that had been in Phil's arms slowly began to disappear, soon leaving Phil's arms empty. They soon began to look around, for any sign that their little ritual worked, finding nothing. Phil sighed and looked down at the sword that sat next to him on the ground, covered in Ghostbur's blue blood. He looked away from the weapon, slightly pushing it away from his kneeling figure, before pushing himself up.

"We'll try again tomorrow when he respawns." Phil said as he gently picked up the sword he had pushed away

Niki sighed and took a few steps towards the saddened father, but a hand in her shoulder stopped her.

"Niki? Is that my coat."

Niki looked down slightly and chuckled to herself "Maybe it is."

He chuckled and so did she "It got cold without you here." Niki said "And your's was the only one I could find."

He paused for a second "It looks good on you." He said

Niki shook her head and took off his coat before turning to him, and holding it out to him.

"It looks better on you Wilbur." She said, smiling up at the solid man in front of her

Wilbur smiled at Niki, before gently removing the coat from her hands and putting it on. He looked down at the fabric that now rested on his figure before looking back up to the woman in front of him.

"I could never look better than you."

And that was it for Niki. She brushed into tears and ran into Wilbur's arms, wrapping her hands around his chest. Wilbur swiftly returned the hug, gently rubbing the back of Niki's head.

"It's alright Niki, I'm back now," He said quietly "I'm back."

Niki nodded and hurried her head into Wilbur's shirt. Wilbur, looked up and met his father eyes, to which he smiled. Phil chuckled, very clearly trying not to cry at the sight.

Niki let go of Wilbur, who walked over to his father.

"Hey Phil-"

The older man's arms wrapped around his son, never wanting to let go of him again.

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