Mysterious Assassin (Dream SMP)

940 27 9

Two years after Tommy's exile

Tubbo tapped his foot on the ground, not in a specific pattern, but randomly. He was nervous, today was the anniversary of the day Tommyinnit had been exiled, and he had been asked to speak.

His breathing got quick as he tapped his finger against his horns in tune with his foot. The horns were fairly new, actually, they had started growing after Tommy had been exiled, but they weren't too bad. Sure they reminded everyone of Schlatt, but Tubbo's horns were different. They were a shade lighter than Schlatt's and wasn't too far off from Tubbo's natural hair color. It was nice, they had taken away the need for a helmet and he didn't have to worry about hitting his head on anything. Tubbo chuckled, because in a way the horns reminded him of a simpler time, not a very peaceful time, but a simpler one.

Tubbo released a sigh and reached into his inner coat pocket, pulling up a small pack of cigarettes. He rarely actually smoked, heck this was his very first pack from about a year ago and he had only used three, but it helped with the stress. Since he didn't have any more time to go fishing, smoking had taken the place of pufferfish, due to them being a lot easier to carry around. Tubbo sighed once again as he lit the cigarette, before setting it onto his lips. Phil didn't like him smoking, but even he noticed the improvements that it brought with it. Tubbo didn't snap back as often, had a better time with his anger, and he was actually sleeping a night now too. So Phil allowed Tubbo to smoke, on rare occasions only.

Tubbo released a puff of smoke before he looked down at the time. The memorial would start in a couple of minutes, and his speech would be in about 15, he had enough time to chill for a second. So that's what he did, he let himself chill. He leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about random things. His VP, Ranboo, had asked if they could create a memorial in L'manburg for all the fallen presidents, but that would mean they'd have to find someplace to put it. Where would it go, and would the citizens be okay with it? Tubbo released another puff of smoke along with a sigh, he'd have to run a poll after his speech to find out what the citizens wanted. He looked down at the cigarette in his hand and tapped a bit of the end off into an ashtray on his desk. That would just be something he'd worry about after the speech, and until then, he could calm down.

He released another puff of smoke as the door to his office opened, and Ranboo himself walked in. His nose wrinkled up in disgust at the smell of the smoke and he walked over to a window.

"You up in 5 minutes Tubbo," Ranboo said as he opened the nearest window

Tubbo nodded and stood up, walking over to the window next to his VP, and opening it. Next to Ranboo the 18-year-old appeared short, but that was just because of Ranboo's Ender genes. In reality, Tubbo was pretty bloody tall, just over 6' 4". He smiled slightly as he opened the window, allowing the fresh air to rush into the room, driving out all the smoke. Once the two windows were open, Ranboo turned to his president and sighed at the sight of the cigarette.

"You really should stop," Ranboo said, gesturing to the bud in Tubbo's hand "You're too young."

Tubbo nodded and leaned on the window seal "I was also too young to be president," Tubbo looked to Ranboo "And yet here we are."

Ranboo chuckled and sighed, looking out the second window "Yep, here we are."

They stood there in silence for a bit before Ranboo cleared his throat.

"We better get going," He said as he turned away from the window "We wouldn't want to be late."

Tubbo nodded and walked over to his desk, where he pushed his cigarette down into the ashtray. Once he was sure it was out, he turned back to Ranboo and smiled, nodding.

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