Demon Dream (Dreamwastaken)

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(Trigger Warning, graphic description of painful death. I'm using this to practice writing gory things, so don't say I didn't warn you)

Dream looked down at his phone and sigh, before putting in the back pocket of his blue jeans and looked up at the apartment building in front of him. He hoped this was the right place, dear god he hoped it was the correct place. He sighed and took a few steps forward, walking into the building. Once he had stepped into the building and looked around, he knew he was in the right place, the place reeked with their sent.

They were here, hell he could tell that they didn't get out much. Dream looked around the lobby and shook his head silently, in all honesty, the place was a dump, plain, and simple. He almost felt bad for them, but then again they deserved everything that was coming to them. They stuck their nose in something they shouldn't have, and they were going to get what was coming to them.

"Excuse me, sir?"

Dream turned around, acting somewhat shocked, usually, anyone else would get scared.

"Oh, sorry, yeah?" Dream asked

The manager didn't seem too friendly he seemed a little pissed off that Dream was ever there in the first place.

"Is there something I can help you with?" They asked

Dream cleared his throat "Oh yeah," He walked over to the front desk "I'm here to visit Dillon, Dillon Gates."

The manager looked at Dream, and rolled his eyes "Whatever, head on up." He said

Dream smiled and nodded "Thank you." He said before walking towards the elevator

He heard the manager scoff as he walked down the hall, assuming that he was out of the range of hearing. He wasn't, but he didn't care. He already had business to take care of, he'd deal with the manager later. He'd enjoy that. He decided on using the stairs instead of the elevator, it would be easier to erase the camera footage since no one used the stairs.

Dream smiled slightly as he pushed the stairwell door open, and quickly closing it behind him, sure to keep the closing door quiet. Once the door was closed, he turned and walked into the middle of the stair, before jumping up. Their apartment was on the third floor so it didn't take Dream long to get to their floor. He landed quietly, looked around, before walking back into the building, keeping his steps quiet.

He approached their door, but a different door opened behind him. He paused before falling into the shadows, his form quickly becoming nothing more than one of the many dark figures that sat in the hall. He sat quietly and patiently, watching as one of their neighbors hurried by.

Good, one less witness for him to worry him about.

He smiled, before regaining his solid form and making his way over to their door. He looked down at the lock, before turning his head to his left hand. He extended one of his claws, before sticking it into the keyhole. It took him a good minute or so, but lock picking never really was his strong suit. The doorknob clicked and he pulled his claw back, retracting it, before dropping his hand onto the doorknob. He gripped it gently, before turning his to the left.

The door creaked open and Dream waltzed inside. He was quick to turn around and close the door quietly behind him, locking it so they couldn't escape too easily. No that would be no fun. Once the lock clicked, Dream jiggled the doorknob.

It was locked.

Dream smiled, but just as he had been about to drop his human form, something hit him square in the back of the head. The surprise of the attack gave him no time to prepare, and the force sent him into the wall, a loud thud erupting from where his back hit the hard wall. He looked up to see who his attacker had been, and surely enough, it was none other than his target.

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