A Truck That'll Take Mommy Away (Captain Puffy and Dream)

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Captain Puffy walked through the nether portal, coming face to face with Sam, who was busy writing something down. She sighed and walked out of the portal, clearing her throat to get Sam's attention. Sam looked up almost immediately, making eye contact with Puffy right away.

Puffy looked down, before looking back up at Sam, who sighed.

"Your here to see, him," Sam asked "Aren't you?"

Puffy sighed "Y-yeah, I am."

Sam sighed once again and stood up, pressing a button behind him. There were sounds of pistons behind the wall and a door opened.

Sam walked around the desk and over to where Puffy was standing. He looked at her, before walking towards the door, Puffy following behind. They walked over to a locked chest, to which Sam pulled out a key and unlocked it. He opened it and looked to Puffy.

"I'm going to need you to put all your stuff in here before you see him." Sam said "Its nothing personal, it's just protocol."

Puffy nodded "I understand." She said as she dropped stuff into the wooden box

Once they were both sure that Puffy no longer had anything on her, they walked back out to the lobby, where Sam closed the door, and another opened. This door was bigger, and unlike the others, led to a hallway.

Puffy looked to Sam, who could only look forward. He then began to walk forward, and Puffy followed once again.

It took them a while to get through security, but soon enough, they were at the entrance to his cell. This cell was different then that if the others. It had no windows, its door wasn't one of plain iron, no this door was one of steel. The word door wasn't even what Puffy would use to describe this door, vault better suited it.

Sam walked over to a button next to the door, but stopped just before pressing it to look at Puffy.

"Puffy," Sam paused for a second and sighed "Just know that he might not be the same person that you once knew before."

Puffy nodded "I know," She said "I just want to see him."

Sam nodded and turned back to the button, and pressed it. The sound of pistons once again filled the air as the door opened, revealing a room with a single torch in the middle, just enough light to keep mobs from spawning.

Just a few feet behind the torch, knelt a figure facing the wall. Puffy's breath caught itself in her throat when she saw the figure, she wasn't sure if she was ready for this.

The figure began to chuckle as it looked up.

"You need me." It muttered "I know you do."

Puffy looked over to Sam who looked down and shook his head.

"How long-"

"Since he's got here." Sam said, not taking his eyes off the figure behind the torch

Puffy nodded and looked back to him. He hadn't seen her yet, he was too lost in his own world. Puffy inhaled shakily before she stepped into the cell.

"They don't know it yet, but they need me," he muttered "They don't know how badly they need me."

Puffy's heart hurt at his state, but she kept walking towards him. He needed her, now more than ever.

She reached out her hand to him, but pulled back slightly. Would he even want to see her right now? Puffy let out a shaky sigh, that accidentally grabbed his attention.

His head snapped in her direction almost instantly, his crazed green eyes full of fury.

But they softened at the sight of her, and he appeared to relax a bit, his shoulders loosening. His breathing slowed down a bit as he turned to Puffy, but once he made eye contact, his breath got shaky.

Puffy smiled and lifted her hand to his face; stroking it softly, as if he was a piece of glass that was about to break.

(Credit to daniketzzzz on Instagram)

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(Credit to daniketzzzz on Instagram)

"M-mom?" He croaked

Tears slammed into Puffy's eyes once that word left his mouth, and she engulfed him into him into a hug, the chains surrounding his body clinking loudly. He froze and Puffy closed her eyes, a failing attempt to hid the tears that constantly threatened to escape her eyes.

"They need me, they do. They need me, they don't know it yet but they need me," He began to say "They've made a mistake, they need me more than they know. They need me, they do. I know they do-"

"I know Dream," Puffy began to rub circles into his back "I know."

Dream let out a sob "T-they need m-me." He buried his face into Puffy's shirt "They-they,"

Dream's voice faded into his mother's shirt as Puffy pulled him closer to her. Dream released another sob, shakily, and snuggled closer to his mother's figure. Puffy looked down at her son, and ran her fingers through his dirty blonde hair, holding his head close to her.

"I'm so sorry my little duckling."

A/N Hi, um I wrote this at the beginning of my break, and practically screamed at the end of the stream. So thank you for all for reading and for 3k reads, you guys are literally insane

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