Mysterious Assassin Alternate Ending (DreamSMP)

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(Alright, you asked for it. This picks up where Tubbo found out the assassin was Tommy. Also this is gonna be pretty short since it's near the end)

Tubbo looked up at Tommy and smiled sadly, before pulling him into a hug.

"You can kill me if you want," Tubbo said "I just thought I'd say sorry for all the pain I've caused you. I was a terrible friend, and you deserve so much better than me."

Tubbo stood there for what seemed to be an hour, waiting for his friend to respond, to just say anything, but he didn't. However, Tommy did return the hug and pulled Tubbo closer to him. Tubbo's eyes were filled with confusion to Tommy's actions, why would Tommy-

There was a sudden pain in Tubbo's stomach, and he jerked forwards, a cough escaping his lips. He heard Tommy chuckle as he pulled something from Tubbo's flesh. Tommy leaned down to Tubbo's ear, a smile present on his face.

"Apology," Tommy said "Excepted."

Tommy released his grip on Tubbo, who immediately fell to his knees with a loud thud. Tubbo coughed and blood flew from his mouth, and he looked up at Tommy. His old friend, didn't return his gaze, instead he fiddled with a crossbow bolt, avoiding Tubbo's eyes.

"You know, I could have killed you during your speech, would have been easier," Tommy looked away from the bolt and down at the dying president "You wanna know why I didn't?"

Tubbo didn't respond, but the look of betrayal was clear on his face, it was easy to know exactly what he was thinking.

"It would have been too quick," Tommy said, flicking the bolt away and kneeling down next to Tubbo "I've been waiting two, long years for this moment, I wanted it to last," Tommy grabbed Tubbo's hair and pulled his head up to look at him "I wanted to watch the blood leave your face as the life slowly drained from your body."

Tubbo's face shifted to a glare quickly "Fuck you, Tommy."

Tommy smirked and released Tubbo's hair from his fingers, allowing his head to fall. Tommy stood up and walked back to the window. He chuckled, before turning back to Tubbo, his icy blue eye falling into Tubbo's warm brown eyes.

"Say hello to Wilbur for me, won't ya?"

Tubbo managed to growl slightly before his sight got spotty and his head dizzy, before he blacked out, the last thing he saw was Tommy's feet walking away from his unconscious body.

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