DemonBoyHalo (Skephalo)

438 21 4

(Definitely not inspired by the_pastel_peach's piece of Demonboyhalo art on Instagram. Definitely not)

Bad stared into the orange and red flames of the fire in front of him, listening to the crackles and snaps of the logs fueling it. It was quiet, which was a rare occurrence. Usually, Skeppy was talking Bad's ear off with random things that had bothered him throughout the day, or when Skeppy was asleep there was always some sort of sound coming from the forest that surrounded their small and rather pathetic looking camp. But not tonight, the only noises that Bad could hear were the crickets that he had long since gotten used to hearing, Skeppy on the other hand still got annoyed at how loud they were, and the crackling of the flames in front of him. Bad smiled softly to himself as he looked into the orange light, listening to the quiet noises of the peaceful night.

After a while though, Bad found himself missing Skeppy's rants. He could care less about the screams of the forest animals, no he missed his friend's voice. Bad sighed and looked over to the tent where Skeppy slept. Bad looked away from the tent and wondered what it was like, to sleep. Now that Bad was thinking about it, it had been quite some time since he had last slept. He wasn't sleep deprived, he just didn't need it, due to the demon blood running through his veins. Sleep was simply one of the things that he didn't need, he always had better things to do and it just worked out. But now he was wondering what it would be like, to fall asleep, to dream, to finally have even just a single moment of peace.

Bad's thoughts were interrupted by a yawn come from the direction of the tent he had just looked away from. His head snapped back over to the tent and he found Skeppy crawling out of the tent. Skeppy stood up and yawned again before looking over to Bad as he stood up.

Skeppy rubbed his eyes "Bad?" He said sleepily "W-what are you doing awake this early?"

Bad looked up at the sky, just then realizing how much lighter the sky had gotten. How long had he really been lost in his thoughts? He mentally shook his head before looking back to Skeppy and smiling.

"I didn't realize it was this early," Bad said with a soft chuckle

Skeppy scoffed and walked over to his friend, rolling his eyes as he did.

"Bad, you should really get some sleep, it's healthy for you," Skeppy said as he sat down next to his friend "I'll take watch tonight while you sleep, okay?"

Bad smiled and nodded "Okay Skeppy," Bad said, "Thank you."

Skeppy smiled "Oh course Bad," Skeppy laughed and threw his arm around Bad "Man, what would you do without me?"

"It'd be a lot quieter for one-"

"Bad I wasn't looking for examples," Skeppy said as he gently squeezed Bad

Bad smiled "I know you weren't," Bad looked back up at the sky, his smile raising "Just thought I'd let you know."

Skeppy nodded and pulled his arm off of Bad's shoulders, his smile softening "Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore." Skeppy said

Bad looked back at Skeppy "Why's that?" Bad asked

Skeppy smiled "Cause you stuck with me."

Bad laughed to which Skeppy quickly join him. Their laughs echoed throughout the forest around them, hitting off the soft bark of the trees and getting lost in the leaves. The joined laughter lasted for a good minute, before the two friends managed to calm down, their laughter fading as they began to catch their breath. Once they had both stopped, Skeppy let out a sigh and stood up.

"I'm gonna go see if I can find us something to eat." Skeppy looked over to Bad "Is there anything else we need?"

Bad thought for a second before his eyes drifted back to the shrinking fire next to his feet.

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