The Void (Philza and Wilbur)

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He stared into the void

Wilbur tried to tear his arms out of his captor's hands. He wasn't sure who they were, or why they had captured him, but he was here now. All that mattered now was the question of escape, how would he go about that, and would he be successful? He wasn't able to continue that train of thought, as one of the people holding him in place pulled a lever, causing an iron door in front of them to open. Wilbur looked up in horror, finding a bedrock room in front of him. 

This was his new cell, wasn't it? This is where they were putting him now.

As he expected, one of the two holding him picked him up and pushed him towards the open iron, before tossing him into the grey, unbreakable, cell. The iron door closed behind him, to which he quickly scrambled toward it, hitting its iron surface with his fists in a hopeless attempt to be let out. He hit the door until his hands until hurt until they turned red, until they bleed. They refused to give into his cries, and the doors remained closed. They weren't going to let him out, not any time soon. 

That's when he heard it's call. 

It came from behind him, but he was too scared to turn his head. He didn't want to, whatever was behind him was most likely anything but good. 

But his curiosity got the best of him and he turned around, ignoring practically every instinct he had. 

He turned and found a hole in the middle of the cell, a slight bit of light shining from within. Wilbur tilted his head slightly and began to slowly inch his wall towards the mysterious hole. HE reached the edge of the hole and looked down, finding nothing but darkness.

It wasn't empty, something inside Wilbur told him that much, there was most definitely something inside of the hole. The only question was, what was it that was in the hole. Wilbur didn't want to look, he never wanted to turn around, to begin with. What hell if he was going to sit there and let his mind wander about what was in that damned hole. 

So he moved forward, just a bit, to gaze down into the dark depths of the hole in front of him

And he found the void, staring straight back at him.

Wilbur stared into the void, trying to find a figure in the madness, but the longer he stared, the less he thought.

He stared long and hard into the void and soon enough, he smiled. 

So that's what the void truly was.

An hour after he finally looked into the void, he was let out and given some new clothes. He excepted them from the hands of the very people who put him in that cell, but at that point, he had the same look in his eyes. He had an understanding of their mission collective mission now, and his eyes were covered with the same glossy emptiness that coated theirs.

Yes he was new, but he was just as dedicated as the rest of them.

That night he was let out of their building and told to come back tomorrow with someone new. So he went to Phil's house for the night, knowing very well that Phil would let him stay the night, and would very much join him for an early morning walk. 

Just as he had thought, Phil had welcomed him into his home with open arms, directing him to his old bedroom on the top floor of the house, just above his own. 

This worked all in Wilbur's favor and his plan was working out perfectly.

He slept soundly that night, fully confident with his plan.

That morning he made sure to make his footsteps just loud enough for Phil to hear from his room. As he expected, Phil soon joined him down in the kitchen as he was pulling his sweater over his head. 

"Where're you going Wil?" Phil asked 

Wilbur smiled slightly before turning to Phil

"I'm just going for a walk, nothing too special." Wilbur fibbed "I don't know how long I'll be gone."

At that point, Wilbur's plan went smoothly, as Phil shortly asked if he could join him. Wilbur excepted almost instantly, a bit too fast which was his mistake entirely, but Phil didn't seem to notice. 

It was nice, the walk.

It reminded Wilbur of times before the void, before his family was broken apart. 

It almost made him question if what he was doing was right.


The void needed to be fed, and Wilbur would do what he could to get it food.

He began to lead Phil in the direction of the building. There was no way that his plan could fail at this point, they were too close to the other followers, who were now watching from the sidelines. 

Phil noticed one of them, but Wilbur managed to convince him that it was just an animal or something.

Phil seemed to buy it and didn't ask any more questions after that, and they got closer to the building.

"Wilbur, what is this?" 

Wilbur didn't expect this question, the only flaw in his plan was Phil's questions. It didn't matter at this point though, they were too far in.

"I want to show you something Phil," Wilbur turned to him "I thought you'd like it."

Phil's eyes softened a bit at Wilbur's explanation and he continued walking with the younger man into the unlit building.

"Wilbur, how-"

Phil's voice was suddenly cut off suddenly and Wilbur smiled before turning around to face him. Two of Wilbur's fellow members were now holding Phil by his arms, a gag now over his mouth. Wilbur chuckled and walked over to the three people, looking into Phil's eyes.

"I'm sorry Phil," Wilbur said, his smile not falling "But the void is hungry."

And the void stared back

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