Cold (GhostWilbur x Ghost OC)

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(This is an old concept that I had for a story I lost interest in, so it's not very well written)

Wilbur watched with a smile as Tubbo worked away at the crater, doing his best to semi fill it up. L'manburg had taken in a good change, open to everyone now. Tubbo had been the right choice for president. However, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone moving about. They weren't on solid land, in fact he even caught them floating above the grass a few times. He hadn't seen them before, where they new?He gently flew over to where they stood and noticed a transparency to them.

Where they like him, unable to move on.

Unable to leave this world?

He wouldn't know unless he asked.

Wilbur's hand extended out, and gently tapped the shoulder of the small female figure.

"Excuse me?"

The girl jumped and disappeared swiftly. Wilbur panicked and began to look around.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Wilbur called out "I just wanted to, talk."

The girl partially reappeared in front of Wilbur and what he found was horrific. Her lips were blue and chapped, her skin instead of the grayish shade that Wilbur's was, was more of a paler shade, and her nose frost bitten along with the tips of her ears.

"Talk?" She asked quietly

Wilbur slowly took a step forward, noticing the girls fear, before nodding.

"Yes, talk."

The girl's lower half appeared and Wilbur noticed that not only were her nose and ears bitten by the frost, but so where her frail fingers and toes. Wilbur slowly walked over to the the girl and crouched down to her level.

"What's your name?" He asked quietly

The girl looked lost "N-name?"

Wilbur nodded "Yes, my name is Wilbur," He said gesturing to himself "What about your's."

The girl thought for a few seconds before she looked back up at Wilbur.

"Don't have name." She said "Forgotten."

Wilbur's smiled faultered a bit, but he kept his smile on his face "That's alright," Wilbur said "I've forgotten somethings too."

The girl nodded, but still appeared to be lost in thought.

"How about I call you Sunny?" Wilbur said
A tiny smile appeared on the girls face and she nodded slowly.

"S-sunny." She repeated

Wilbur smiled "There you go," he said "Sunny it is then?"

The girl, now Sunny, nodded and pointed to Wilbur.


Wilbur nodded and the girl's finger shifted to herself.

"S-s-Sunny." She said with a smile

"There you go," Wilbur said "You've got it."

Sunny giggled and pointed to the sun.

"Sunny." She said with a smile

Wilbur nodded "Yes the sun is very sunny." He said with a laugh

Sunny giggle in return to which Wilbur stood up. Sunny's smile faided as he did so.

"Wilbur go?" She asked

Wilbur looked down at her and shook his head

"No, not yet," Wilbur said "But when I do, you can come with me."

Sunny's cold eyes widened and she nodded.

"Go with Wilbur, go with Wilbur." She chanted

Wilbur chuckled at Sunny's child like personality, before looking back to where Tubbo stood.


Wilbur looked over to Sunny "What?"

Sunny wasn't looking up at Wilbur, instead at the ground.

"I cold."

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