Fishing (Phil and Fundy)

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(Guys, go check out this video, it's underrated and needs more attention cause it's really cute. Also I've only fished like a few times in my life, so this is just going to be me googling things and describing Minecraft fishing :P)

Fundy stared at the end of the fishing line as the float at the end bobbed up and down. Fundy's eyes widened before he looked to his grandpa next to him.

"Phil! Phil! I got one!" He shouted

Phil leaned forward a bit "Not yet you haven't," Phil said, "You've gotta reel it in first."

Fundy nodded and looked back out to the now bobbing line before he began to reel it in quickly.

"Whoa, slowly Fundy," Phil said, "We don't want it to get away now, do we?" Phil said as he reached over to Fundy's hand

He gently grabbed onto Fundy's hand and slowed his reeling down a bit. Fundy looked down at their hands, before looking back up at Phil and nodding.

"Okay, I think I've got it," Fundy said

Phil nodded back before moving his hand away from his grandson's, who was now reeling the line in at a steady pace. Phil smiled as the float go slowly closer and closer to the dock before eventually, it was no longer in the water. However, to both Phil's and Fundy's disappointment, the hook had nothing on it, not even the bait. Fundy's face fell and Phil sighed.

"Damn it," Fundy said under his breath

"Hey it's alright mate, just, try again." Phil said, "Fishing takes time and patience."

Fundy let out a huff before holding the fishing rod in Phil's direction, carefully to not swing the hook in his direction.

"You try," Fundy said

Phil looked at his grandson before grabbing the fishing pole from his extended hand with a short sigh. He cast out the line, the floating landing in the water with a small ripple.

They must have stared at the line for hours because by the time the float began to bob, Phil had fallen asleep. Fundy had been the one to spot it, before quickly shaking his grandfather awake.

"Phil! Phil wake up!" The older man's eyes remained shut causing Fundy to panic slightly

"Phil, wake up, you've got a fish," Fundy said, shaking Phil once more

Fundy's face paled a bit when his grandpa didn't wake from his nap.

"G-grandpa! P-please wakes up." Fundy said, tears now slowly forming behind his eyes

Phil's head moved in the direction of Fundy's voice before his eyes slowly opened. He looked up at Fundy, who sighed and wiped his eyes "Yeah mate?"

Fundy sniffed slightly before pointing out to the water "You've caught one."

Phil looked out to the float. "Have I?" Phil said as he straightened his back

"Y-yeah, you have," Fundy said

Phil began to reel in his line, looking at Fundy as he did.

"You alright Fundy?" He asked

Fundy looked down at the water "Y-you wouldn't wake up," He sighed "And I got worried."

"Fundy, I'm not that old," Phil said with a smile and a chuckle

When his grandson didn't chuckle back, Phil's smile faded and he moved closer to Fundy, whose eyes remained on the blue surface of the water. Phil sighed and put his arm around the now silently crying Fundy.

"Phil, It-thought that y-you, that you-"

"Aw, mate," Phil pulled Fundy to his chest, to which the younger promptly buried his head into his grandfather's shirt "Don't worry, I'm okay."

Fundy nodded and let out a really shaky sigh before looking out to the water again.

"The fish got away," Fundy said

Phil nodded and hummed slightly before resting his head on Fundy's.

"We can try again in a bit," Phil said, "We're in no rush."

Fundy smiled and closed his eyes, the slight breeze from the ocean comforting him just as much as his grandpa.

Phil looked down at Fundy before quietly reeling in the fishing line, and setting the rod to the side.

They'd try again later.

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