Insanity (InsaneWilbur and Tommy)

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(Based off the animation above, go give it some love)

Tommy stumbled into Pogtopia, tired, exhausted. Everything hurt, but really his legs hurt the most. He had been walking pretty much the whole day, and he was ready to slump down into his bed. He placed the dirt back down and began to walk down the spiral stairs. As he walked, he began to hear the sound of a guitar and he began to pick up his pace. If it was who he thought it was, this could be his last chance to hear him for a long time to come. He tripped over his feet a few times as he hurried down the stairs, but he got down them in a single piece.

Once he was safely off the stairs, he listened carefully to where the sound of the guitar was coming from, and ran in that direction. He looked around a corner and found Wilbur, in front of the fire, with his guitar in hand. He noticed Wilbur's head turn slightly in his direction before he began to sing.

This tired old machine is a-rumbling

Tommy smiled at the sound of Wilbur's voice, it had been quite some time since he had heard his brother sing.

Oh my, oh my

Tommy quietly hummed to the tune of the song, it was a familiar tune, only he couldn't remember where he remembered it from.

Singing songs to the secrets behind my eye

Wilbur stood up and Tommy ducked behind the wall, hoping not to get caught.

Oh my

Tommy smiled as he whispered the next part to himself.

"Oh my." He sung quietly

Wilbur stopped singing and Tommy caught his breath, he was sure he had gotten caught, for his older brother always had somewhat of a sense, a way of knowing when Tommy was watching.

So Tommy stood there, silence filling the ravine they called their home. But he heard footsteps walking over to him and Wilbur turned the corner.

"Hey Tommy."

All my aching bones are trembling

"Oh hey W-Wilbur." Tommy stuttered out

Wilbur smiled down at Tommy, but it wasn't the smile that Tommy had gotten used to seeing on his brother's face. No, this smile was more sinister, this smile had been what Tommy would have to get to know now.

"Tommy, are you alright?"

And I may yet fall apart

Shook his head "Yeah, no I'm okay." Tommy looked up to his older brother "What 'bout you?"

Something flashed in Wilbur's eyes when Tommy asked that question, and his smile widened ever so slightly.

"Never better Tommy."

Won't you stay with me, my darling

Shivers rolled down Tommy's back as those words left his brother's mouth. Wilbur appeared to notice Tommy's discomfort and gently push him aside in order to walk down the narrow hallway. Tommy turned around and found he was headed towards the stairs to the surface.

When the war starts in my heart?

Tommy took a step forward "Wilbur, where are you-"

"I'm going to go collect some gun powder." Wilbur said, stopping at the first stair

"F-for the TNT?" Tommy asked

When the war starts in my heart

Wilbur turned around and nodded, that sick smile still present on his face.

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