The Child in the Snow (Technoblade and Ranboo)

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Techno shivered and pulled his cape closer to his chest. He had always hated the cold, he was from the Nether after all. But something drove him to this snow biome, and he knew he wouldn't be able to leave without knowing what it was. He let out a sigh and sivered, his body trying to come up with some sort of heat out of nowhere, only to come up short. Techno took a look around, trying to see if he could spot anything across the surface of the white snow. His eyes landed on a tree and he felt something, drawing his to it. He couldn't describe what it was that was pulling him to the tree, maybe because it was the only tree visible within miles. Techno sighed and walked over to the tree, circling to see if there was something there.

What he found surprised him.

Not something, but someone.

There was a kid, pale as a ghost, just sitting in the snow. He wore a black suit that reminded him a bit of Schlatt's suit. Over his face, he wore a plain white mask, which appeared to be the only thing keeping his face warm. Techno scanned the kid over and found that he was shivering up a storm, obviously cold. Techno let out a sigh, and the kid jump, half his form seemingly glitching out of existence before swiftly coming all back together.

"!?ᒷ∷ᒷh̸̥̣̿̌͊ ̵̗͔̆̋̌ğ̴̨̡̤͗̎n̷̖̬̪͒͘͝î̴̻̫͗̉o̸̯̫͚̅↸ ⚍o̷̢̝͚̳͕̝̠͓̭̎̇̏̿̈́̍̄̽͝͝y̴̧̞̺̟̩͖͐̐͂͜͝ ᒷ∷a̵ ̴t̷a̴⍑w !?ṹ̶͉̝̯̜̣̪̘̱̥̤̿̀́̊ͅo̸͆̃̈́͑̈́̐͂̚y̴̛̗͇̰͆͊̊̾̌͌̈́́͘͝͝ ̶̝̻̮̞͕̟͇̠͕̦̩̽̅̓̅͘ͅë̶͈̪͔̝͕̮͓́̃̀̆̉͛͂̅͘r̸̽͆̄̈͛̈́̅̍͊͝à̸͒̎̆̏̌͝ 𝙹⍑W"

(Hehe, try figuring this one out)

Techno looked at him, a little confused at first, then his eyes fell to the right side of the kid's face, and Techno immediately understood what this kid was.

"Oh, your half Enderman," Techno said

The kid released an inhuman noise and tilted his head. Techno thought for a second before his eyes widened.

"D𝙹 ||𝙹⚍ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑリ↸ ᒲᒷ?" Techno asked, speaking the language as if it was the only language he spoke.

The kid's eyes widened with excitement and he nodded.

"Y̶̬͌ᒷᓭ, I 𝙹." The kid replied

Techno had a bit of a hard time understanding him, due to the ender accent, but he understood him all the same.

"W⍑|| ᔑ∷ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣  ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ᔑꖎꖎ ᔑꖎ𝙹リᒷ?" Techno asked

The kid thought for a second before looking up at Techno, a sad look on his face.

"Į̷͔̥̣̄̕ 𝙹リ' ̣," the kid paused for a second, a conflicted look on his face before his eyes rolled into the back of his head

The kid fell onto the soft snow and Techno just stared for a second. He wasn't sure what to do, he wasn't sure how to take care of children. He leaned down and picked up the kid, who's skin was practically freezing due to how cold he was. Techno sighed and pulled his cap from his shoulders, before picking up the kid and wrapping him up in the soft red fabric.

"I ꖌリ𝙹∴ !¡ᒷ𝙹!¡ꖎᒷ ∴⍑𝙹 ᓵᔑリ ⍑ᒷꖎ!¡ ||𝙹⚍." Techno said

The kid subconsciously let out a sigh and Techno smiled. However reality came crashing down onto him, as he realized that he couldn't bring this kid to his base, that was no place for a kid. He'd have to talk to Niki about it, but she was most likely still mad about the Wither situation. Techno sighed and looked back down at the kid. This kid needed things that Techno couldn't supply, but Niki would be able to.

Niki walked into the secrect city and found the stairway was wide open. She looked at it in confusion, she was sure that she had closed it before she had left, but she wasn't sure of anything these days. She pulled out the stone sword that Hbomb had forced her to make, and walked down the stairwell. She walked cautiously, but swiftly as to get the walk down the stairs over with. Once she reached the long stone pathway, she found a familar face. She quickly held her sword out in front of her, getting into a defensive position. She cleared her throat and he turned around. He smirked and let out a sigh.

"Your form is off," Techno said "Your legs are too far apart, your arms aren't bent-"

"Why are you here." Niki asked, spitting the word out like they were venom

Techno let out a sigh and revealed his his bundle of a cape. Niki relaxed a bit, allowing her hand with her sword to fall to her side, but she was still on guard as she walked over to the hybrid pig.

"What is-"

Techno interupted her by revealing the young kid that sat in his arms. Niki gasped, immediantly noticing how pale he was.

"Holy shit! What happened to him?!" Niki shouted as she grabbed the kid from Techno's arms

"Found him in the snow," Techno said "But I think that's his natural skin tone."

Niki looked up at him in confusion "What do you mean?" She asked

Techno pulled back the blanket to reveal the black side of the kids face. Niki stared at the kid's face for a few seconds before looking up at Techno.

"What," Niki cleared her throat "Do you know what he is?"

Techno shrugged "He was talking to me in the galactic alphabet earlier so-"

"So he's from the end?" Niki asked looking back down at the kid "You don't see many of them anymore."

Techno nodded and sighed "I wasn't sure what to do with him so-"

"Your in luck," Niki said smiling up at Techno "I studdied in the End for a bit, I know how to take care of him."

Techno nodded and looked down at the kid, before letting out a sigh and looking around Niki's cavern.

"It's coming along," Techno said before turning back to Niki and smiling "Keep up the good work."

Niki nodded and smiled "Thanks."

Techno nodded and began to walk towards the stairs. Niki watched him as he did, before looking back down at the kid. She smiled before walking down to the sleeping chambers.

Techno looked over the hill at the teen running around the newly built L'manburg. He smiled slightly as he watched the kid smile and talk to almost every person he ran into on the path. He let out a sigh and turned around to head back to his base, but when he turn around, he ran in someone.

"Hey Techno."

Techno sighed "H-hey Phil." Techno said

"What're you doing here Techno?"  Phil asked "You're a wanted man."

Techno shrugged and began to walk away from L'manburg and his father, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him from taking another step.

"Techno, listen," Phil said "If you ever need anything, anything at all, just ask me, alright?"

Techno stared into space for a bit, before he sighed and turned to face his father.

"Thank you Phil." Techno said with a small smile

Phil smiled back and nodded "Any time."

Techno turned once again to walk away

"Oh and Techno."

Techno turned his head to look at his father, who only looked at the teen running about L'manburg.

"You did the right thing, bringing him here." Phil said turning back to Techno with a smile

Techno nodded before he began to quickly walk away, back to his Arctic home in the north.

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