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the small boy softly shook awake, his senses taking in the still lit fire immediately. the smell of the bloomed flowers on his bedside table.

he carefully got himself out of bed, going to his small kitchen and making a cup of hot cocoa, then going to his dresser and picked out his blue hoodie.

he softly grabs the warm cup of chocolate cocoa and sits it on the table, then going to his little bathroom as he starts it, turning the nob to warm. he sets his clothes on counter and then throws his pajamas in the laundry, hopping in the shower and washing his chocolate hair.

his blossomy shampoo fills the small room as he runs the water down his head, washing away suds of soap.

he then scrubs himself with a cherry scented body wash, carefully hopping out of the shower after he had a full wash.

he grabs his blue hoodie and puts it on, so with his ripped jeans. he goes into his kitchen, happy to see the hot cocoa is just warm enough.

he grabs his snow boots and his jacket, knowing it had snowed during the night, he was always a late sleeper, sleeping in to 11:00 usually.

he grabbed the basket of flowers before he skipped off into the snowy land, he knew Dream had said he was busy today, George didn't know exactly what he was busy with, but he thought Dream would probably be near L'manburg, planning his next attacks.

while he was on his way he stopped at Captain Puffy and Niki's flower shop, paying them two iron for a few rose bushes.

"dream will love these!" the boy says smiling as he walks away.

niki and puffy had remembered dream came there a bit earlier, for flowers for someone else. by the time they were going to say something, george was already out the door.

they knew he'd probably find out anyway, there was no reason to tell him.

george didn't understand the odd look niki and puffy gave him when he bought the flowers.

he went back to happily walking down the prime path, unexpected of what would happen when he came to l'manburg.

his basket was labeled with "for dream! :)"

he was hoping dream would enjoy the flowers, it took him a few weeks to fill the basket.

he slowly came upon to l'manburg, he could see the top of dream's head over the hill.

and the top of some orange ears.

as he slowly got up the hill, adrenaline rushed to him.

until he got to the top.

a shorter figure was holding dream's hand.

a fox.

in a small jacket with a red, yellow, blue and ghost gray stripes.


george only a few feet behind the two.

a green flower in fundy's fluffy fox hair.

george could hear the smiles and the blushes of the two as they walked down the hill into l'manburg.

"wh- what?" george couldn't speak.

he was stunned.

his senses finally figured out what was happening.

he dropped the basket behind him, landing with a thud, alerting dream and fundy.

george started running, as fast as he could, tripping down the stairs up to the hill.

dream noticed the small note with his name on it, and the small boy with the blue hoodie that once held it, who was running out of sight, the rose buds that sat on top of it.

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