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october 24th was already here.

george gets out of bed. something feels different. he doesn't know what due to only being awake for a few minutes.

he stretches and checks the clock. 2 pm.

dang he slept for awhile.

he walks out of his bedroom, expecting sapnap to give him a big bear hug and tell him what they'd do today.

sapnap wasn't there, yet breakfast was on the table, with a note.

george feels terrified, knowing sapnap had already went away for a week last month, he wants but also doesn't want to read the note.

he finally gets the courage and walks to the table.

"georgie. i'm sorry. i have to go fight in l'manburg. i wish i could stay with you. you can still watch me, and visit me, theres just a much larger chance i may not survive. no matter what though, i will be here for you and i will be with you. no matter what you go through. i promise. i'll try my absolute hardest for me to survive just so i can see you in the end and always be there when you wake up in the morning. i love you so much georgie, in a friend way. wish me luck and don't cry. anyway, have a good breakfast. - sap."

he reads the letter, blankly staring at the third sentence.

"no." george sighs.

he smacks his face, trying to see if he was in a nightmare.

he's fully awake.

"NO." george screams.

he knows sapnap didn't wan't george to cry. it was the last thing he would ever want.

george doesn't eat his breakfast. instead he walks out the door, despite the snow, and getting on his moped, speeding to l'manburg.

the war hadn't started yet, but everyone was grabbing materials and making battle plans.

george parks his moped at the l'manburg flag, resting it on the pole.

he immediately goes out to find sapnap.

he walks down a bit, and finds tubbo.

"hi tubbo. do you know where sapnap is?"

"oh yeah! he's right over there!" tubbo points at one of the many storage areas, as said george could see sapnap sorting things in chests.

"thank you so much." george waves at tubbo as he starts running in the direction tubbo told him.

"no problem!" tubbo smiles.

george makes it to the storage area, out of breath.

"s — sap."

sapnap turns around to see george looking up at him with tears in his eyes.

"hi bubs."

sapnap puts down the sticks he was sorting on the top of the chest and grabs george by the waist, holding him.

"what did you need?" he asks.

"i just wanted to see you. i already miss you sap."

"it's okay.

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