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i really recommend listening to the slowed version of  "fool" ( cavetown ) for this chapter and the next one :)

it's now been four days since the war started, all of those nights george didn't eat, or sleep.

he just stayed at the bench, night and day, waiting.

he'd seen sapnap when he got his few breaks, otherwise it was rare.

he gave ranboo a small tour yesterday. they seemed to have alot in common.

everything felt wrong. everything he did felt wrong.

george's house was starting to get messier as days passed. he was used to cleaning it every day.

it was 3:00 in the afternoon. maybe george did go home to take a small nap, but not for long.

he decides to grab his notebook, and walk back to the bench.

ranboo was there, watching the war just like how George did.

"good afternoon." george sits on the opposite side of the bench as ranboo.

"good afternoon, george."

george sits his notebook next to him.

he stares down at the crowd, arrows shooting, the loud sounds of people screaming, swords clashing against shields.

"thank you for the tour yesterday. I appreciate it."

"oh, no problem ranboo."

ranboo checks his watch.

"shoot, gotta go. i have a meeting with dream right now."

"bye ranboo."

george sways his feet as he watches the crowd.

he then heres a loud noise, and then screams.

he watches as the whole l'manburg side huddle around a certain person.

l'manburg side pov


The whole L'manburg group runs down to Sapnap. He was laying flat on the ground.

"IS HE BREATHING?!" Tubbo yells.

Wilbur checks Sapnap's chest.


regular story pov

George confusedly runs down the hill to where the crowd was.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" George yells.

Tommy looks up at George.

"I think you can see it for yourself, you're colorblind, not blind."

"what do you-"

george looks at the lying sapnap on the ground.

"wait is he ok? is he ok guys?" george panics quietly.

"we don't know george." tubbo sighs.

"he's breathing, but asleep. all we know." wilbur adds.

"i'm-" george looks down at sapnap.

"we need more medics if you'd like to stay with him." tubbo exhales.

"please. you don't have to pay me."

"alright. we'll grab you a medics bed and i'll show you the directions to the hospital." wilbur gets up.

"thank you."

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