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it's been a week and a half since sapnap went into a coma. november 10th. it was already november. wow.

days were spent with sapnap. always making sure his daily dose of ivs were taken. days crying waiting for him to wake up.

it was late afternoon. 3:00. george had started to sleep longer because he usually left the hospital at 5:00 AM.

his house was terribly messy. he smelled horrible. he hadn't bothered to do simple tasks like making his bed and brushing his hair. he didn't care about himself for the moment. only sapnap.

he promised he'd be by sapnap's side no matter what, and look where he is. always next to him.

george gets his notebook and headphones like usual, walking to the hospital.

ranboo got a full time job at the hospital. george was only there to take care of sapnap. it was nice to have someone to talk to, though.

everything was different from just a week ago.

george walks out the door and gets on his moped, driving to the hospital as always. it was nothing new to him.

he arrives at the hospital, parking his moped and walking inside.

"good afternoon george." ranboo waves.

"good afternoon."

george walks over to Sapnap's bed, filling his IV bag with more regeneration medicine as usual. His heart rate was doing much normal.

Ranboo walks up behind George to look at the heart monitor.

"It seems really good. He's going to survive at this point. Theres no chances of him dying. Maybe another day or so, but he could wake up at anytime at this point."

"thats amazing." george smiles.

George checks Sapnap's blood. The overdose of potions was all the way gone.

Ranboo checks the time.

"Welp. My shift is over. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Ranboo."

George sits at the chair next to sapnap's bed and holds his hand, sapnap's fingers that still never intertwined with his own.

George was practicing a song to sing to Sapnap once he woke up, he enjoyed practicing it to the deep asleep sapnap.

he sighs before singing.

"cycling to school at 7:30 in the morning."
"i am still your baby boy, im stuck in twenty thirteen."
"i dont understand my body, washing machine confuses me."

george smiles realizing he had picked up the melody perfectly.

george gets out his notebook and writes.

"sapnap is doing better. i hope he'll wake up soon. i want to be able to tell him everything. i wanna hug him tightly and make sure nothing happens to him. he means so much to me. i don't know what i'd do without him. sapnap is my world. he's the only thing that cheers me up. he knows how to handle me and my personality. he knows my boundaries and he knows how to help me. he knows me inside and out. he makes me feel safe. he gives me so much happ-"

george writes, but something distracts him.

he feels fingers intertwine with his.

he looks up from his book.

"s — s — sap?"

"wh — where am i? what happened?"


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