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TWs: mental breakdowns, planned suicide, failed suicide, swearing.

george woke up, not knowing what day it was, not remembering much from the night before.

it was- december 10th.

george sits up from his bed and hears the shower running, guessing sapnap was taking a shower.

george rubs his eyes as he looks at the calendar, confused on what day it was and why he felt like shit.

his eyes trailed to the sad face on the calendar, he grabs his phone and looks at it.

it wasn't today, was it?

george opened his phone. he was met with the date. december 10th.


he then remembers what he had planned a week or so back. he smiles at that fact.

it may be hard to get through the ceremony but at least he looked forward to something.

he laughs, knowing sapnap had no idea.

he feels bad though.

he remembers last night. he was crying hardly, sapnap was next to him trying to calm him, yet he didn't help.

george was going to participate in the wedding, or try to.

his legs swayed as they hung off the bed, he was nervous, yet happy knowing it was his last day.

he hears the shower turn off, wondering what sapnap would wear.

he missed everything. he missed when it was just him and dream. he missed when there was nothing in between them.

he missed not crying and always being happy.

sapnap walks in the bedroom in a suit that seemed to fit just right.

"good morning bubs." sapnap says softly as he sits on it end of the bed, motioning for george to sit in his lap.

"good morning sapnap."

"you doing okay?" sapnap asks, knowing how hard today would be for george.

"i don't even know at this point, sapnap."

"it's okay to not know." sapnap pats george's head.

oh how much george didn't want to leave. he still wanted to be there with sapnap, but he knew sapnap wouldn't care. nobody would care. george knew it was his time to go, so he didn't care.

"you should probably get changed. the wedding is in an hour and we need to be on the way there a half an hour in advance."


"i picked out a suit for you to wear, it's on the bathroom counter."

"oh, thanks." george walks into the bathroom and slightly smiles at the black suit with the striped tie.

sapnap knew george loved that suit.

he puts it on and looks at himself and sighs.

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