new beginnings

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"so..." i say as i walk in the door of george's house, key in hand, staring at my name carved into it.

"welcome home, baby!" george smiles as he takes the cat crates out of my hand.

i blush at the nickname. that's the first time he's called me that.

as soon as the cats are let out of their crates he grasps my hand, leading me to the couch.

"what do you wanna do?" i say, excitedly.

he says nothing, just sit down on the couch, putting me in his lap.

we just stare, we stare at eachother, for a really long time.

he smiles, pulling my face closer.

he isn't about to?

he pulls my face in, our noses are touching.

i can see the glimmer in his eyes, he looks down at my lips.

he knows i have his consent because of the look i gave him.

his lips meet-


of course, of course it was a fucking dream.

i know he'd never do something like that with me. he's in love with dream, and i just have to accept that. i guess.

i shuffle around in bed. i look up at the calendar.

december 30th. move in day.

that explains why i had that dream.

i scratch my head and yawn.

why can't he just love me yet? after months of me being in love with him.. why?

my phone rings, i grab it from my nightstand.

it's from george, i smile, answering the call.

"sapnap! you're finally awake!! it's like, 11:00!!"

"wait, really?" i wipe my eyes and let them focus to the clock in my room.

"yes, idiot!"

i laugh, everything about him makes me laugh, to be honest.

"facetime me."

"wh- no!!"


"because—" i stutter, my mind goes blank. my face is red and i don't want him to know i'm blushing.

"i don't care if your face is red or your hair is a mess! i just wanna see your face!"

"you saw it yesterday and you'll see it later though!!"

"i dont care, FACETIME ME!" he tries switching the call to facetime.

"oh my god.. fine" i accept the call, and i'm met with the face of the boy i fell in love with.

"you look hot when your face is red" george laughs.

my face goes a bit redder.


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