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gusts of wind blow onto the windows and house, a normal rainstorm persay.

a gust of wind hits hard against the house, causing a loud noise.

george wakes up, then hearing the wind pound outside the house.

he feels a little scared, unsure of what the noise was from, too lazy to think more about it.

he feels warm breath atop his head.

"sapnap?" george whispers.

sapnap awakes from his slumber.


"whats that noise?" george curls up into a ball.

"oh bubs. it's just the wind. it's okay."


sapnap wraps his arms around the smaller boy that laid beside him.

"you're safe. don't worry."


heavy breaths carry the room.

"i can't go back to sleep sap." george sighs.

sapnap lays on his back, then grabbing george by his thighs and scooting him on top of him.

"hi." sapnap smiles.

"hi!" george starts to get used to the new place he laid.

sapnap picks up george's head from his chest and boops him.

george giggles and boops sapnap back. they both then start to boop eachother back and forth.

sapnap looks at the time. 10:00 am.

"ready to have breakfast, bubs?" sapnap asks.


"alright. get off my chest so i can get up silly!" sapnap laughs.

george rolls off of sapnap onto the empty spot beside them.

sapnap sits up and gets off the bed from the opposite side george was on, walking to the kitchen and getting the pan out, ready to make bacon and eggs.

george grabs some clothes and goes into the bathroom to shower.

sapnap carefully flips the eggs, making sure to not burn them.

a few minutes pass, george walks out of the bathroom, a light blue raincoat and some blue jeans.

george sits down at the table as he sees sapnap sliding the eggs and bacon on the plate.

sapnap then goes and grabs an orange, a cup, and the orange juicer. turning on the faucet to wash the orange, and then putting it into the juicer, placing the cup underneath it as he turns the orange, having the orange liquid drip into the cup.

when he notices the cup is full enough, he grabs the plate and then the cup, putting them in front of george.

"thank you." george smiles.

"no problem."

"we'll have to look for a fox for you in the rain, i hope that's okay." sapnap says as he grabs himself a plate of food and sits down at the table.

"oh yeah, of course!"

the two eat their breakfast, softly smiling at eachother as they ate.

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