wrapping paper

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tw: mental breakdown

"i've been thinking about moving in." sapnap says while wrapping the giftbox he'd put ranboo's gift in. "i just don't know if it's okay with you."

"that's absolutely fine, i guess."

"i mean. i don't have to move in with you. it's fine. i'll just see if i can buy a property near your's."

"when did i say that i didn't want you to move in with me?"

sapnap shrugs.

"the only thing is, where are you going to sleep? i mean, theres the couch but it isn't that comfortable, and i'd have to pay Foolish or Sam quite a bit of diamonds to add another room."

"what? am i a ghost? who's been sleeping with you without a break and constantly having to go back and forth to get new clothes for the past 2 months?"

george stares at sapnap, giving him that look of "i was just being sarcastic" before erupting into giggles, continuing to wrap the huge box he had to get for dream's sword.

sapnap laughs at himself, noticing how oblivious he just was.

"but yeah, being serious, you can move here, i don't mind. i mean, i guess we could share a bed. just — i don't know."

george, he could be living, full time, with his best friend, in the same bed, in the same house. with someone he thought of, as something he could never figure out. he never understood how to speak his feelings, rather even know them, okay, maybe he understood his feelings for dream, but he just couldn't figure out what his feelings were for sapnap. he was, different. george just couldn't describe the feeling he felt towards him. it was, unexplainable, odd. they differed from his feelings for dream. the feelings he felt towards sapnap, felt, real? it was the only way he could describe it. but he thought the feelings for dream were real. it was all a confusing mess to him. something he wished he could understand.

and sapnap.

sapnap had felt a connection with george ever since dream introduced him to him. 4 years ago. it never was too overwhelming.

untill now.

knowing george was in love with someone else, who didn't even love him back, george doubting he could ever be in love with anyone again.

sapnap sighs.

"pandas, you alright?" george asks as he puts dream's now wrapped present to the side and grabs another giftbox, along with bad's stuff.

sapnap blushes, just slightly, at the nickname, raising his head, realizing he'd had his head down for a bit now.

"yeah.. i'm fine. just thinking."

"about what? if i can ask."

"i don't know, maybe moving in with you. it may put a bit of stress on me." sapnap tells a white lie, he didn't need anything about his love for george escaping so early on.

"i mean. you don't have to sap, it's completely your decision. it'd be nice to have you there always but i want you to be happy and you to feel good."

"yeah. i know. do you mind having 3 cats and a dog living in your house though?"

"who said i don't love pets." george glances at his fox, the fox giving a small yip in the slightest glance of attention.

sapnap laughs, before scooting closer to george.

george smiles at him, reaching his hand up and gliding his hand through sapnap's soft, raven colored locks.

"does dream know about the 10th? and what i.." george hesitates. "did in the middle of his wedding?"

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