christmas day

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cw: swearing, mention of breakdowns, small ed

christmas day had already rolled around the corner.

and george woke up to sapnap, at four in the morning, sapnap playfully screaming at him to wake up, as if he were a child on Christmas morning.

But, maybe sapnap wasn't a child, but it definitely was christmas morning, and sapnap was acting like a child because of that.

"GEORGE WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" sapnap yells happily.

"what.." george says as he yawns.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS, DUMBASS!" sapnap smiles.

"I can definitely tell that because of how you're acting."

george rubs his eyes. "just let me sleep.." he complains.

"you're no fun." sapnap gives george an obviously fake pouty face.

"i know." george giggles before wrapping his arms around the boy on top of him and bringing him down to his chest.

"why do I always have to be the one being cuddled now? I thought i always cuddled you." sapnap joked, but really, he enjoyed being cuddled by the boy.

"well you've been acting like a bottom now for the past few days." george laughs.

"i have NOT." sapnap snaps back.

"you really have, felt like i've had to take care of you since you had that breakdown." george's words sounded jokingly, but sapnap could hear the small bit of sympathy in george's voice.

"shut up." sapnap laughs.

"now let me sleep." george groans.

"fine. only if you let me cuddle you."

"fine, whatever."

sapnap giggles as he rolls them over, so now george was on top of him.

"you get my chest as your pillow." sapnap giggles.

"yeah cool, it isn't as comfy." george laughed.

"thats mean." sapnap puts on yet another obviously fake pouty face.

"I know."

sapnap giggles again.

"are you excited for christmas, georgie?"

"go to sleeeeep.." george groans into sapnap's chest.

"well i don't want to which means you'll have to deal with me."


"you always sleep all the time, george. why can't you go one morning without sleeping for long. you don't even have to do that much stuff."

"I have to take care of you."

"why would you even have to take care of me? I'm twenty, george."

"I don't know i'm just trying to find an excuse for you to shut up so i can get some rest."

"that hurted." sapnap said jokingly.

"i hope it did."

"wait — george? you're not being serious, right?"

george picks up his head from sapnap's chest. "i'm not, darling, and please don't think i am." george brushed a few strands of hair out of sapnap's face.

the mood of the entire room changed in seconds.

"o — okay. thanks for clarifying that." george could see how sapnap had tears in his eyes, that slowly sank back down.

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