trial and error

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christmas was just around the corner, december 20th. ten days after the wedding had happened. ten days after george's attempt.

the town was decorated with huge garden candycanes, the holiday season was ringing with cheer.

george sits up from his bed and is greeted with sapnap walking into his room holding two hot cocoa mugs.

"just woke up?" the slightly taller asks.


"well i brought you some hot cocoa." sapnap sits the mug down on the bedside table before forehead bumping george.

"thanks." george reaches out his grabs to grab the mug but is met with sapnap's hands grabbing it for him.

george sighs. "you didn't have to do that, I'm fully capable of grabbing a mug-"

"i know, you're just so pretty i want to do everything for you."

george looks down, a bit flustered.

besides for when sapnap flirted- no complimented with him, he still loved dream. he wanted dream so badly. he knew his chance was long gone but he still wanted him.

but something in him told him he wanted sapnap. that sapnap would be better then dream? no. theres no way anyone could be better then dream.


george brings the mug up to his mouth and tilts it, warm chocolatey liquid pouring into his mouth.

"tastes good?" sapnap asks.

george takes down the mug from his mouth, swallowing the cocoa.

"as always." george smiles.

sapnap ruffles george's hair, giggling.

"stop sapnap! you're going to ruin my hair!" george looks up at sapnap with a pouty face.

"it's soft though georgie."

george laughs at sapnap before putting the mug back on the bedside table and wrapping his arms around sapnap.

"wanna go out for a walk in the snow?" sapnap asks.


"alrighty!" sapnap gets up from the bed and gives george his hand, helping him up.

he goes to george's dresser and grabs the scarf, his winter hat and his mittens and hands them to him.

"thanks!" george looks up at the boy and smiles.

"of course."

eventually they get all their snow stuff on and trudge out into the snowy land.

as they head off onto the regular path, george grasps sapnap's hand.

"what's wrong, bub?" sapnap looks down immediately.

"my hands were getting cold."

"ohh." sapnap wraps his fingers around george's mittens, trying to find his other fingers to intertwine them together.

as they walk through the snow, george sighs.

"I wish we could skateboard."

"me too, george. only a few more months though."

"i knoww."

"are you excited for christmas, though?" sapnap asks.

"yeah. can i spend christmas with you? please?"

sapnap puts his head down. they keep walking a few steps, and then sapnap mumbles out a "yea.."

"please?" george makes sure sapnap meant it.

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