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a soft bright sun shines through the windows of george's bedroom, george stretches his body as he yawns.

he gently stands up and walks to the bedroom door, pulling it open.

"good morning." sapnap says tiredly as he crafts something.

"good morning sapnap."

"also, is that a compass your making?"

"yeah but don't worry about it, i made bacon for you by the way, it's on the table."

"why are you making it though?"

sapnap lets out a sigh. "i'll tell you later, i don't wanna force something on you so quickly."

"okay." george speaks in a worried tone.

george sits down at the table and starts to nibble on his bacon.

"why can't you tell me right now?"

"george, i told you, i don't want to force it on you immediately, didn't you like just wake up?"

"yeah but i wanna know sapnap, you're worrying me."

"fine, just let me finish making this. give me 10 minutes."


george starts to think about the things why sapnap was crafting a compass.

why was he concerned over a compass? that's literally the dumbest thing to overthink about.

george sighs and goes back to eating his bacon.

"i'm nearly done george."


a few moments pass.

"okay." sapnap admires the compass before sitting it down.

he sits down at the table george was at.

"why?" george asks.

"i have to go get materials, and i don't know how long i'll be gone."


"i'm sorry george, tubbo wanted me to go get them so they could work on building."


"george. i'm so so so sorry. please don't give me that."

"b-BUT WHAT IF YOU DIE SAPNAP?" george falls into tears.

"i won't george. i promise."

"p-pinky promise?"

"i can't do that george, if i die — i die."

"that's something you'll have to learn soon george."

sapnap gets up and picks up george from his seat and rocks him back and forth.

"i'll be okay george. i already told Bad to come check on you while i'm gone."

"but sapnap — i don't trust bad as much as i trust you.."

"and that's okay, but you still should talk to him — if i come back and i find out your dead."

sapnap pauses for a moment.

"if i come back and i find out your dead, i'm just gonna blame it on myself. because it probably would've been my fault anyway."

"so george. just hang in there for me. try your best. please."

"i — i'll try sapnap."

"i wont be gone for long, but if i haven't came back in a month, i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry."

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