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~~~~~Josh's pov~~~~~

I walk out of the bathroom, after I said goodbye to Crainer. I open the door to Jelly's bedroom, and I see Jelly on his phone. I sit down next to him and we are both silent. Suddenly he scoots away from me, and I see a single tear fall from his eye.

 "What's wrong?" I ask him very concerned.

He just looked up at me, as more tears fell. I didn't know what had happened to him, but I scooted closer and hugged Jelly tight, in hopes it would make him feel better. He hesitantly hugged back, and I felt his tears slowly start to soak into my sweater.  We hugged for a good few minutes, and we eventually pulled away. 

"Here, lay down. It will help you calm down." I told him as I lifted the blanket, and handed part of it to him. He nodded and laid down, pulling the blanket over himself. I went to leave, but he grabbed my sweater sleeve and said:

"Please... s- stay." I was surprised, but gladly stayed by his side. I laid down next to him, pulling the covers over myself, but leaving him most of it. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly, under the blankets.

----5 minutes later----  

Jelly fell asleep, and we were still holding hands. I decided to try and get something off my chest. 

"Jelly, I know you're asleep, and you won't hear this, but I still wanna tell you. I love you, so much. I don't know if i will ever be able to work up the courage to tell you when you are awake, but i'll try. I will always be with you no matter what. I would never leave you. I don't know if you like me back, but even if you don't, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to leave. I can never take you off my mind. If you feel hurt, I will try to make you feel better. If you are sad I'll make you happy. As long as I am alive I will protect you, with all my might, hoping to never hurt you in any way. You will know this all soon. I'm just... not ready to tell you yet."

~~~~~Jelly's pov~~~~~

Am I dreaming? Did he really just say that? 

Omg, I think he loves me.

So he was talking about me, all this time. He told Crainer he loved me, he didn't want to tell me, because he thought.... I didnt like him?

Josh truly is perfect. The most perfect person in the whole world. 

I, consciously this time, wrapped my arms around Josh's warm body, snuggling into him.

He we surprised, judging by his sudden gasp, but held me back. 

We laid in a comfortable silence, as we drifted off to sleep.

~~~Josh's pov~~~

I wake up, look around, and realize that I'm not in my room. I stand up, looking around a bit more. "Oh, I'm in Jelly's guest room." I remember. Then it all came back to me. Last night. I still don't know why Jelly was crying, but I hope I made him at least a little happier.

"Where is he?"I ask myself, looking down at Jelly's empty bed.

"He probably went to eat breakfast." I walk out into the hall, and head towards the kitchen. Whan I walk in and Jelly isn't there, I start to get a bit worried. 

"Jelly!?" I shout, calling his name.

No answer.

"Jelly? Jeelly! Jelly?!" I continue to shout throughout the house, every ounce of silence making me mode worried and nervous.

Still no answers.

Where the honk is he? (lmao)

Maybe he went out.

I decided to call him, in hopes that knowing he was ok would calm me down. 

I scroll through my contacts until I get to the "J" section, and press the call button next to his name.

Straight to voicemail.

I get more and more worried by the second. I call Crainer.

Crainer = bold - Josh = Italic

Hey wassup Josh?

Umm Hi Crainer, have you seen Jelly?

No. wasn't he supposed to be with you at his house?

Yeah, I woke up and he was wasn't here.

I haven't seen him.

Ok, well, if you see him can you tell me please?

Yeah, I will. Don't worry.

Ok then. bye.


I can't help but worry.....

_-_-_-_-_3 days later_-_-_-_-_

~~~~Crainer's pov~~~~

Josh's sobs can be heard from the other room. Jelly's been gone for three days. We have no idea where he could be, what he is doing, or why. He's just.... gone. Within a full day of missed calls, texts, and hearing nothing from him, we declared him missing. We reported it to the police, and me and Josh put up missing posters the other day. Josh really misses him. We are both really worried, and his parents are too. But none of our worries can compare to Josh's. I've helped him with panic attacks, coming mostly from the dark manifestation of his stress. I get why he can't be calm. He can't  be happy, because his one hope, his one light, his true love, was missing. Josh thinks this is all his fault, and I understand him, but I know its not true. Jelly loves Josh, and I don't think he would run away because of him. Something had to have happened. Suddenly Josh's sobs stopped. Then the room was filled with heavy breathing. Oh no. Another panic attack. I've gotta go help him.



OK ok. sorry for the update delay. Me and my family took an unexpected trip to the coast, and the internet isn't the best there. I was almost done with my story, but my laptop died, and I hadn't realized my internet was gone, so..... when I opened my laptop my story was gone lol 

Anyways, hope you guys like it! my upload schedule is completely random, so make sure you have notifs on so you know when I update the story! I know you guys will wanna know what happed to Jelly 😏😆 HAVE A GOOD DAY


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