Hey guyssss

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So this is just a little section to explain what this book is. 

This book is a fan fiction (obviously) of Jelloman, or Jelly and Slogoman. (disclaimer: i will call Slogo, Josh, ok. i'm sorry if you don't like it.) 

It will include shipping and if you don't like Fluffiness, or slight smut, then don't read this book. 

The characters are who you would expect, Jelly, Josh and Crainer. Sanna might be included though. 

This story might also have some sad parts, so make sure your ok with it. 

You can tell me any ideas in the comments below, and make sure you subscri- er i mean vote this story if you like it. (you can follow me too) 

(121 words)

The one I love the most, a Jelloman story. (Jelly X Slogoman)Where stories live. Discover now