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~~~~~Jelly's pov~~~~~

"NO, JOSH!! YOU ARE GONNA GET HURT!" I yelled as Josh ran just out of my vision into his burning house.

No response.

"Josh?!!?" I yelled, starting to get even more worried than I already was.

"JOSH?!?" I yelled louder, hoping for a response.


Oh no.

"JOSH!!!" I yelled as I ran into the burning house, worried that he got hurt.

And there he was. On the ground.

"NO NO NO, JOSH!!" I screamed as I dropped to the ground, running my hands over his body. The flames were getting bigger and stronger, so I picked him up, struggling slightly, running out of the house. I started to tear up as I ran with his unconscious body, towards Crainer, who was on the phone with 911.

"We'll be right there." I heard from his phone as I got closer. Crainer hung up his phone, putting it in his pocket.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" he yelled as he saw me with Josh in my arms

"I- I- I d-dont know I-" I struggled to say, tears starting to run down my face.

Crainer knew how I was feeling, and reached out to help me hold Josh, responding with

"He's gonna be fine, Jelly. We have an ambulance on the way."

"I- I- know I just-.... I don't w- want him to d-die." I say through tears, looking up at Crainer.

Crainer looked back at me, giving a reassuring look. He knows how much I love Josh. I look down at Josh.

Good he's breathing.

I watch his staggered breathes, hearing the crackling of the house fire just a few yards away.

Me and Crainer look up as we both hear sirens, coming closer.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

~~~~Crainer's pov~~~~

"He passed out from the amount of smoke in the air. Nothing serious." The doctor told me and Jelly.

Josh was laying in a hospital bed, not hooked up to anything, just layed down. Me and Jelly sat down on the chairs, next to the bed, in silence. Then I spoke up.

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't tried to cook those dumbass pancakes, this wouldn't had gone to flames." (no pun intended)

"Hey hey hey, it's fine, Crainer. As long as Josh is ok, it doesn't matter."

"That's not what he's gonna say. I literally destroyed his house."

"I don't think hes that mean. Actually, I know hes not mean. He'll forgive you no matter what."

"I guess so...." I say feeling down. But I know Jelly is right. Jelly know Josh more than anyone else I know. I just can't help but feel guilty.

~~~~~Josh's pov~~~~~

My eyelids flutter open as I wake up.
Where am I? I ask myself. All I could see was a ceiling. I tried to look around, but I couldn't. I was really weak. Then I heard Crainer start talking.

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't tried to cook those dumbass pancakes, this wouldn't had gone to flames."

So that's what he was doing.

"Hey hey hey, it's fine, Crainer. As long as Josh is ok, it doesn't matter."

Wha- he's actually concerned about me? Huh.

"That's not what he's gonna say. I literally destroyed his house."

"I don't think hes that mean. Actually, I know hes not mean. He'll forgive you no matter what."

He doesn't think I'm mean either. How cute.

"I guess so...." Crainer said. He sounded really down. He must feel really guilty.

I couldn't help but think about Jelly. I wonder why he cared about me so much. I mean, we are friends, Best friends in fact, but I don't think he would care that much. Maybe I'm overthinking it.

I still feel really weak. I can't move or anything like that, without hurting. I guess I'll just listen into Jelly and Crainer's conversations.

~~~small time skip~~~

They were talking about video ideas, when suddenly Jelly said

"Isn't he so cute when he sleeps?"

He think I'm CUTE?

I started to blush, then heard Crainer say,

"BRO, could you make yourself anymore obvious?!?"

Crainer must know something, that I don't.

"C'mon it's not THAT obvious." Ok no

Then i suddenly felt less weak.

I started to slowly sit up in the bed, and Jelly noticed, saying

"Josh!!! You're awake!!" And hugging me. I quickly hugged back, taking in his smell. He must've put on more cologne, because his scent was really strong. It smelt really good though. No complaints. ( lol )

" I'm really sorry about your house, Josh." Crainer said looking downwards.

"Hey, it's ok." I said to him, really meaning it.

"You can stay at my house in the meantime, Josh!" Jelly told me, smiling.

"Will you?" He asked me.

"Of course i will" I told him, returning a smile.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

Jelly had gone to the restroom, and me and Crainer were talking in my hospital room. The doctor told me I could leave at anytime, just a few minutes ago, so we were planning on going after Jelly is done.

Maybe this is the right time.

"Hey, Crainer? Can I tell you something, really personal?"

"Umm sure, Josh. You can tell me. What's it about?"

"We'll I- Umm- It's about Jelly."

"O-oh. Do you not like him?"

"I- No no no no. It's quite the opposite, I-

I think I'm In love with him, Crainer."


"I- I get it if you think I'm weird I-"

"No no no, It's quite the opposite" he said mocking me with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah yeah. I get it. So... You don't think it's weird that I like him?"

"No, not at all. When I started to fall in love with Thea, she had been my friend for a while, and I get how you feel."
(Thea is Crainer's wife btw)

"I'm back." Jelly said, looking slightly sad.

"Hey are you ok Jelly? You seem a bit sad."
I said, trying to help him.

"I- I'm fine..."


I guess you guys will have to find out what happened to Jelly in the next chapter!!! This bit of the story got kinda long, so I cut it here. Anyways, ILY guys, hope you have a great day, night, or whatever time you are reading this, and stay safe!! :D

(( Edit: 1050 words))

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