The Dream

838 13 19

^This is the song i was thinking about while writing this story. listen if u wanna. :)^

⚠️Warning: Death, Overall sadness⚠️


~~~~~Jelly's pov~~~~~

"Jeelllyyy... Jelly? Are you falling asleep again?" 

"Hu-huh?" I raised my head up, opening my eyes. Josh was waving his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention. 

"Aww, you fell asleep again." he said to me, with a endearing kind of tone.

"Im tireeeed.." i responded. we were at some kind of restaurant, that i didn't recognize.

"Cmon, lets go." he said standing up, and reaching his hand out for me. I took it, blushing, but only sightly, as I felt his warm touch. He lead me out the door, and onto the sidewalk, as we started walking back home. i still don't remember how or why we were here, but i didn't really question it. 

"We can take a a shortcut here." Josh said as we turned into a alleyway. I had a bad feeling about this. But i trusted Josh. 

As we were walking through the alley, a man came up to us. he pulled out a gun from his pocket. We backed away, frightened, And I held Josh close. 

"Coming through here was a BIG mistake." the man said, looking between us. 

He pointed the gun at me and shot, but Josh quickly stepped in front, taking the bullet. 

"JOSH!" I screamed as we dropped to the floor, me still holding him.

"j.. jelly......" 


I woke up in my bed screaming, the started sobbing. I heard running outside, then my door burst open, Josh frantically running over to me saying,

"are you okay? are you hurt? what happened?-"

i just looked up at him, tears still streaming down my eyes. 

He walked over to me and sat on the bed, hugging me tightly, whispering things like,

"don't worry" "it's gonna be ok" "i'm right here" 

I really thought about that moment, knowing now, im in love with my best friend.

A/N Omg guys, we're almost at 50 reads. holy muffin. i hope you like this part of the story lol. (Also sorry i haven't been posting as much, i had a lot going on.) well, i hope you guys are having a good day, night, whenever you are reading this, and stay safe :)😷👍

(387 words)

The one I love the most, a Jelloman story. (Jelly X Slogoman)Where stories live. Discover now