chapter 11

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~ Josh's pov:

I wake up the next morning, sunshine lighting up the room. I open my eyes, and went to rub them but I stopped. I had my arms wrapped around jelly, who was sleeping. I closed my eyes again, tightening my arms around him. listening to his soft breathing was making me sleepy again, so I planned to get up in about 5 minutes.

~ "5 minutes" later ~

I opened my eyes once more, and the room was brighter than I had seen It last. dammit. I feel asleep again-  I moved my arms from around jelly and rolled over to the side of the bed. I grabbed jelly's phone from the bedside table and turned it on to check the time.
9:27 AM it read. I looked at his notifications, seeing multiple messages and missed calls from Sanna. the messages read things like " I KNOW YOU MISS ME" , and " YOU STILL LOVE ME." I sighed, dismissing the notifications from her. I was dismissing most the others, when I saw one that caught my eye. it was from and app called " I Am Sober," and it read " Congratulations! You've reached five days sober!"

I unlocked the phone, and opened the app. ( Jelly and Josh told each other their passwords before) it opened to a graph.
"I've been self harm free for: 5 days, 2 hours, 34 minutes, and 53 seconds" I whispered to myself.

I suddenly felt a wave of emotions come over me. I didn't know how to feel. I closed the app and turned off his phone, setting it back on the bedside table. My eyes started to tear up. why would he do that to himself? he doesn't deserve to have to feel that way. It was probably because of me... I sat up slowly, pulled my legs close to my body, and wrapped my arms around them. I put my head down and cried. I wanted to kill whoever made him feel this way, even if it was me. Movement came from jelly's area. I layed back down next to him, and kissed his cheek. I got up from the bed, and walked out of the room, stalling in the doorway to look back at jelly.

~ Jelly's pov: I wake up, and Josh isn't with me. It must've all been a huge dream. The confessing of feelings, the makeout, the nap,  cooking dinner together, the movie. I knew it. It was too surreal. I rolled out of bed, picking up my phone and stuffing it in my pocket. I walk out in the hall, and smell a wonderful smell. fresh pancakes.


I walk out of the hallway and into the kitchen. Josh is standing at the kitchen island, serving a stack of pancakes onto a dish.

Chuckling, he says " Don't worry baby, it's just me :)"

" So it wasn't a dream?"

" What do you mean? hold on- you have dreams about me? :o " He asked smirking at me.

"I- No- I mean- maybe..?" I say flustered, my cheeks quickly turning a bright red.

"It's fine baby, it dream about you too ;) "

"You do???" I ask, walking closer to him.

"of course!" he exclaims, setting down another plate of pancakes and walking towards me. "You're too cute not to dream of~" he says, softly grabbing my cheek and tilting my vision to his face. he gives me a peck on the lips, and we both smile.

"Now c'mon! The food is gonna be cold!"
he grabs my hand, and pulls me to my seat.

"The food is just like you Josh~"

"How so?"

"It's steaming hot and looks delicious~" I say smirking, and looking up at him"



"IF YOU SAY SO-" he playfully yells back at me, covering his face, flustered. He was as red as a tomato-

we finish eating, and Josh picks up our dishes, putting them in the sink.

"What do you wanna do today?"

Im back   :)

ily all

ty for reading everyone!

if any of you guys, gals, or non-binary pals actually like this story please tell me so I feel motivated enough to continue it!

tysm :>

713 words

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