Chap. 2

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'Ok. Where would I go if I had nothing else to do today?' I thought to myself as I walked out the door. I really didn't know what to do. I had just broken up with my girlfriend, and its like ten o'clock in the morning. 

"Josh. I'll go to Josh's hous." So I get in my car and head off. 

Driving there made me think about what I had just done. Now I have no one to love me (except for Josh but he doesn't know that yet ;)), and I'll probably be lonely most of the time.

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

When I get to Josh's hous I knock on the door and it almost instantly opens, with Josh's exited face starting at me. 

"I missed you Jelly!" he says as he hugs me tightly. I hug back of course, not helping but to take in his lovely smell. 'hes smells so good.' I thought to myself. I pulled away and he motioned thorough the door. we walked in and he closed the door behind us.  

"So how are you?" He asked, as we sat down on his couch. 

"i-I'm good." I said, with a bit of hesitancy in my voice. Apparently Josh could tell, because he then asked, 

"But how are you really?"

~~~~~~Josh's pov~~~~~~

"But how are you really?" I asked, as I could hear how hesitant that sounded. 

" Josh I-"

"Let me guess, did Sanna break up with you?" I only guessed that because Jelly's girlfriend, Sanna, has been very toxic with him recently, and I could only assume that something around that matter had happened. 

" Well I- Yes. Well, I broke up with her. She was being really toxic, and I just couldn't take it." 

"Whatever makes you happy, Jelly" I said looking at the cute boy next to me. 

I've had a crush on Jelly for a while. He's just so- Perfect. his cute face, his sparkly eyes, there is nothing about him that wasn't perfect. I don't think I could live without him. But hes straight. He knows me as a friend, and that's all. he would never love me the way I love him, and that is what keeps me awake at night. the knowings that Jelly will never be my lover. sometimes i cry, sometimes i don't, but at least he is here with me. 

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

"Do you wanna go get some lunch?" I ask him we had been talking for a bit, and it was almost lunchtime. 

"yeah, sure!" 

"k, what do you wanna eat?" 

He had to think for a bit, but after few minutes or so, he responded with,

"How about Mcdonalds?" 

I just start laughing. lol

"What??" he responded, confused.

"I-It's just the MOst bAsic choice for thInking fOR lIKe ThREE minUtes." I managed to choke through my laughs.

"Oh shut up." He said slightly blushing. from embarrassment, right? it had to be. 

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~ A/N (sorry for all the time skips haha)

~~~~~Jelly's pov~~~~~

We walked into the Mcdonalds, and Josh went to order. He didn't even need to ask me what i wanted, because he knew my order.  A double quarter-pounder with cheese, diet coke, and medium fries. He gets back from ordering and sits across from me. We started talking about video ideas, and i kept catching myself staring at him. 

Am I in love with my best friend? I blushed at the thought of it. I tried to covered my face but I'm pretty sure Josh noticed. He didn't say anything, just covered his face. 

was he.. blushing? 

I wasn't sure, so i assumed he was just resting his hand there.

~~~~~~Josh's pov~~~~~~

I had finished ordering our food, and were talking about video ideas. at some point I kept noticing that Jelly was kind of staring at me while i was talking. I thought it was rather odd, so I ignored it. But then i saw him look down and blush, after i caught him staring. he covered his face, which i thought was cute. then I realized I was blushing, so I covered my face too.

'does he like me?' I thought to myself.

'no no... hes straight, right?'  then my thoughts were interrupted by our food arriving.

~~~~~No one's pov~~~~~

"Mmmm.." Jelly whispered to himself, but still loud enough that josh could hear. 

Then he did that cute little giggle, which made Josh blush ever so slightly.

They ate their food mostly in a comfortable silence, which to both of them felt , just right.

After they were done, they went back to Josh's hous to film a trailmakers video with Crainer.

They messaged Crainer then prepared to record.

~~~~~Jelly's pov~~~~~

Me and Josh sat down next to each other, to record some trailmakers. We got onto discord with Crainer and started recording. Basically, we had to build the best hovercraft, and Josh helped me A LOT. It was kinda cute how much he cared about me. 

We finished our builds, and Crainer didn't know we were in the same room, or hous even. So when he asked us why our builds looked so similar, we just said,


"Great minds think alike, i guess."

"I hAvE a GrEat MiNd ToO!!!" Crainer responded, as me and Josh just laughed.

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

We had just said goodbye to Crainer, and it was really late. Like almost midnight late, and I really didn't feel like driving home. It was almost like Josh had read my mind as he said,

"Do you wanna just stay here for tonight?" 

"Yeah, sure!"

He lead me to the guest bedroom, told me "Goodnight." and left. 

I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush I always have at Josh's hous, then get in bed. 

As I start to drift off to sleep, all I can do is think of Josh.

A/N Hey, my duckies!!! (get it, honk honk?) If you are enjoying this story, you can always vote it! Its free and u can always unsubs- I mean un-vote it later. You can also follow me for more quality content. I post story bits every other day, (sometimes i will post everyday or twice a day if ur lucky ;)) And if you have story Ideas, leave them in the comments below! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇lol👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

(1040 words)

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