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~~~~~Jelly's pov~~~~~

I was walking back from the bathroom, and I heard Josh and Crainer talking. I was about to walk in when I heard

"I think I'm in love with him, Crainer."

My heart stopped.

Who was he talking about?

Certainly not.. me?

No no no. 

Why would he be talking about you Jelly? 


He's not.

I'm in love with my best friend, but he's in love with someone else. I wanted to cry. Right then and there. But I remembered I had to get back to Josh and Crainer. I tried to calm myself down as I walked inside.

"I'm back." I said to them. I tried to sound happy, but it didn't come out that way. Josh could tell I wasn't happy, so he asked

"Hey, are you ok Jelly? You seem a bit sad."

"I- I'm fine...."

"Ok then." Josh said back, obviously not believing me, but letting me go on.

"We can leave now!" Crainer said running towards the door.

"Oh yeah!" Josh said quickly getting up, adding:

"We should probably go look at the wreckage." 

"Yeah. C'mon guys. Let's go." I said, leading us out of the hospital.

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~

----Josh's pov----

When we made it to the remnants of my house, I started to look for one thing, and one thing only. I have this box. its full of all the things that are really special to me. It's centered around Jelly, but I have stuff from other people too. I was searching around the kitchen, while Crainer and Jelly were looking at what remains of what used to be my home. 

Suddenly, Crainer came up to me and asked:

"What's this?" 

He handed me the metal box, that contained everything I needed to stay sane.

I opened the box, showing Crainer, and making sure every thing was ok.

"wow." he said 

"Its everything that keeps me sane. I needed this. Thank you." I said hugging Crainer.

-----Jelly's pov-----

As I see Josh hugging Crainer, I begin to get Jealous. I honestly can't do this. I already told him he could stay at my house. Fuck. this isn't gonna get any better is it.

~~~~Time skip~~~~

Josh has been in the bathroom for some time, and I'm getting kinda worried. I know my hopes to be with him one day are helpless, but I can't help but care. I walk out into the hall, and to the bathroom, pressing my ear softly against the door. I hear talking. he's on the phone with someone. 

"I don't know if I can stay with him. I don't wanna reveal myself."

Well, that's great. He doesn't want me to know that he loves someone. Could that mean...?

No Jelly, don't do this to yourself. 

Don't get your hopes up. 

It will only end in torture.

"I know, I know, But I'm not ready. I can't just tell him."

"YES YOU CAN!" I heard through the phone. I still couldn't tell who he was talking too.

"We'll, what if he doesn't... Like me?"

Huh? He thinks I won't like him, because of some different love? Yes, I would be hurt, but Its not like I would just leave him and ignore him for the rest of my life.

"Trust me, Josh. You don't even know. But you have too try. You won't be able to live on without telling him." I heard from the other line.

"But Crainer.... Ugh. I'll think about it."

So he was talking to Crainer. Ok.
Why did he not wanna tell me? Did it have something to do with... Me?
I don't know, but whatever it is he must be really private about it. But he tells me everything.

Why would he not wanna tell me?




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Tysm guys

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Tysm guys. Y'all are the best. :P

(711 words)

The one I love the most, a Jelloman story. (Jelly X Slogoman)Where stories live. Discover now