Chap. 1

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⚠️Warning: Swearing⚠️

                                                                       ~~~~~~(Jelly's pov)~~~~~~

"Ughhh" , I sigh as I slowly get off of the couch I'm on. I got like no sleep last night, as I had a big fight with Sanna. You know, I don't even I think I even like her anymore. All she does is accuse me of cheating, and I'm sick of it. 

I was at a party last night, with Josh and Crainer. We were actually having a good time. Josh and Crainer were pretty drunk, And well, I couldn't be, because I was their ride home. I kept getting a ton of messages from Sanna, asking where I was, What I was doing, ya know, that kind of stuff. I told her I was with Josh and Crainer, at a party, and well, she obviously didn't believe me. She told me to come home right now, and said she wanted to talk. I REALLY didn't wan't to, but if I didn't she would be mad at me, so I left. With Josh and Crainer ofc, I'm not just gonna leave my drunken best friends behind. 

I drove back to my hous after dropping them two off at theirs, and came home to my angry Girlfriend at the doorstep. 

She sternly told me to "Get inside. Now." I walked through the door, her following after me. 

"Sit down." And I sat, not wanting to make her more mad then she already was. 

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU." I flinched slightly as she said that, responding with the same thing I told her earlier.

 "I was at a party with Josh and Crainer." 

"Bullshit.", She said back to me, denying the truth I was speaking.

" Then what the fuck do you want me to say? Hmm?" I said back, with a great tone of annoyance in my voice. 

"The truth." She said plainly, wanting more of an answer than at a party with my friends.



I didn't know what to say. So I stayed silent. 

"You were cheating on me, weren't you?" 


"Don't go there, Sanna-" YOU WERE FUCKING CHEATING ON ME!"


Everything after that was a blur. I'm pretty sure she tried to kick me out, but it was my hous after all. I ended up sleeping on the couch, I know because that's where I woke up. I decided that today was gonna be different. I got up off the couch, and walked to the bathroom. I got in the shower and cleaned myself up, did my hair, got dressed, and went to find Sanna. 

"Sanna!", I called out to her. 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT, JELLY?", She yelled back. Apparently she was still mad about last night.

"Can I talk to you?" 


"Sanna, please." I said back almost desperately. I needed to break up with her.

"Fine." she said, walking down the stairs.

We sat on the couches across from each other, just staring. Then I said,

"I'm breaking up with you."

"WHAT?"    "fine."  "I wanted to break up anyways." She said, running out the door, In tears. 

"Ok, now what." I mumbled to myself, as I head out the door.

(552 words)

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