chapter 12

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~ Jelly's pov ~

"What do you want to do today?" Josh asks, putting out dishes into the sink.

"I just wanna sleeepp" I reply. I was still tiredfor some reason.

"But we should get something done-" he says, wiping the counter down.

"but I don't wanna >:("

"how about we watch a movie? we can get stuff done tomorrow I guess-" he says walking towards and embracing me.

"ok sure-" I reply, looking up at him.

he was smiling at me happily. he quickly pecked my lips and ran into the tv room.

"HEY WAIT FOR MEEE-" I shout, running after him.

he had already sat down by the time i got to tv room, and had fixed his vision on my body, grinning like a little boy who was just given candy.

"what movie do you wanna watch?" he asked, as I walk to the sofa and sit down.

"i don't know really..."

"well what genre? like comedy, horror... romance-" as he said that last but he winked at me, and I became flustered, quickly turning a reddish-pink. I try to make out an answer, but i struggled.

"i- uhm- i mean- I don't know i-"

"ok then, I'll just browse through some shows."

"oh- oh ok!"

well that was easier than I thought.

we spent a bit looking for shows, Josh asking about some every now and then. the options werent very good at the moment. suddenly, Josh asked me again.

"hey, what about this one?"

I lifted my head from his shoulder, and looked at the screen.

"BO BURNHAM??? I THOUGHT HE QUIT?!?" i exclaimed. I loved watching Bo so much!

"Oh yeah! he came back to performing just before covid and everything! it's just that covid didn't make it easy in him, so he made inside! he filmed it all by himself, and-" Josh tried to explain, but I was getting impatient.


Josh chuckled, and started the special.
we watched through the whole thing, and we absolutely loved it!
~ Josh's Pov ~

we watched the special, and I could tell jelly was so excited the whole time. he's so adorable :) he was totally fanboying over Bo. i replayed some of his favorite bits for him, and he already knew half the lyrics to the songs. he scream-sang the lyrics, me chiming in every so often.

after we watched the special, jelly settled to watching some Glee with me, and we cuddled for a while :)
in the middle of cuddling, I get a call.

"whos thaaat?" jelly asked sleepily, as I pick up my phone and looked.

"ah just Crainer. I'll be right back. :) " I say as wiggle out from behind jelly, and peck him on the lips before i walk to the other room.

i answer the call, and Crainer immediately starts yelling.


"what Crainer!?-"

"hello :)"

"uhm- why were you yelling?"

"oh sorry I'm just exited! I'm coming over to the house if that ok-!"

"oh well actually Crainer i-"

"OH- are you hanging out with jelly~? 😏

"WHAT CRAINER I- well... yes-"


"CRAINER- no-"


"Im not rushing him ok leave me alone 👹"

"well I'm coming over if you aren't gonna have sex with him right now."

"I- fine 😒"

*hangs up*




I'm doing shorter chapters for a little bit, hope you don't mind!

stay sexy my friends 💅✨



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