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~~~~~time skip~~~~~

~~~~~Jelly's pov~~~~~

Josh went to the store, to get more food because he was almost out. I'm sitting on his sofa, looking at twitter, when I hear a knock at the door. 

Who could that be?

I walk over to the door and open it, revealing a smiling Crainer. 

"Hi Jelly!" "Where's Josh?"  he said walking into the house and looking around. 

"oh, he's at the store." I replied.

"Ohhh, ok" he said back.

"Soooo, what do you need?" I asked, still oblivious to why he was here.

"Oh, I just wanted to hang out with you guys." "I was going to text you actually, but well, your'e here, haha." 

"yeah... haha" I quietly laughed, at his quick talking. he does that a lot.

"Wait. why are you here, Jelly?"

I froze. should I tell him.... 

"I- Umm I-"

"Cmon, you can tell me." 

"It's a long story."

"Well, I'm right here bud." he smiled at me.

"I broke up with Sanna yesterday." I told him.

"Oh, good. Wasn't she being really toxic?"

"y-yeah." I was starting to get a little shaky. 

"So then what happened?"

"Well- um I went to Josh's house."


"W-Well we talked about it. It actually seemed like he cared."


"T-Then we recorded the video with you."


I just laughed. 

"I'm sorry, Josh's looked amazing." I told him

"he does too..." i mumbled to myself. 

"What was that?" he asked

"oh nothing."

"ok then.." He smirked at me.

did he hear me? 

"After we recorded the video, I didn't really feel like driving home, so Josh let me stay here."

"oh. is that all?" He asked.

"t-there was one thing that happened. I haven't told Josh yet." 

"well I'm guessing you can't tell me either then." he looked at me.

"well actually, I need your help, Crainer." I told him.

"Oh?" he resonded

"Listen. And if you tell Josh i will fucking kill you. Do you promise to me you won't tell him?"

"Yeah, of course." he responded, looking worried. 

"I-I had this Nightmare." I was starting to get shaky again. "I- It was a- about J- Josh. W- Were in a- an alleyw- way," I was starting to tear up now. "A- And t-there  w-was a m-man." " He pulled out a g-gun and t-tried to s-shoot me." "b-but J-Josh s-stepped in f-front of m-me, and t-took the b-bullet."

Then I started sobbing. 

"hey, hey hey, its ok buddy." Crainer said, pulling me into a hug, and rubbing my back.

"I-I think I'm In love with h-him."

~~~~~~Crainer's pov~~~~~~

"I-I think I'm in love with h-him." Jelly told me.  I looked at him and nodded. i hugged him until he stopped crying.

"Josh will be here any minute." He said, and he was right. in the next two minutes,  Josh's car pulled up in the driveway, and he came out carrying groceries. I opened the door for him, and he said

"oh hey Crainer! what are you doing here?" he put the groceries on the counter, and started to put them away, Jelly helping him. 

"oh, um i just wanted to visit you, but you weren't home."

"Ohhh, m'kay." Josh said back. 

"Hey guys?" Jelly asked "wanna just have a stay-over here?"

"YEAH!!" I yell exitedly. 

"why not?" Josh says finishing with the groceries, and leading us to the movie room. 

"we'll set up a sleeping space, then watch a movie." he tells us.

"ok!" me and Jelly say exitedly.

~~~~~small time skip~~~~~

~~~~Josh's pov~~~~

Once we're done setting up our beds, I start a movie. Crainer for SOME reason wanted to watch a horror movie, sooo yeah. 

Me and Jelly were set up next to each other, and whenever there was a jump scare, Jelly would grab my arm and hold it tightly. I would blush every time, but the lights were off so you couldn't tell. 

Jelly went off and made popcorn. Me and Crainer were alone, and I decided, why the hell not. he should know. 

"Hey Crainer?" 


"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"


"Hey guys, I'm bAaaaaack."

"I'll tell you later." I mouth to him.  he nods and Jelly sits in between us, offering me popcorn. I take a handful and smile at him. He smiles back at me and we just stare into each others eyes. 

"AGHAGAH" Crainer yelled all of a sudden, supposedly at a jump scare. 

Me and Jelly quickly looked away, me blushing.

~~(after the movie)~~

Crainer has already fallen asleep, and i think Jelly has too. I can't sleep. All  can do is look at jelly's cute breathing.

I was about to fall asleep, when i heard, Sniffling?

i slowly looked up and i saw Jelly sniffling, in his sleep. I scooted closer to him, and held him.   He scooted closer to me, and put his arms around my waist. I started blushing and i slowly fell asleep.


Hello, all my duckies!!! I hope yall are doing good in this quarantine. The story is progressing!!! It did get a tad emotional, but thats normal in love stories, ya know? As always, you can leave any ideas in the comments, and stay safe!! 😷👍 (((((POG)))))

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