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~~~~~Jelly's pov~~~~~

I wake up the next morning, thinking about what happened last night. That nightmare was awful. then again it made me question, 

Why would i have a dream like that?  

Maybe it was unluckiness, maybe it just a normal nightmare, but no. those reasons just didn't.. settle right.  

I love my best friend.  

that was the only reason that seemed.. well, reasonable. now that i think about it, who wouldn't like him? he has the perfect face, the perfect hair, the perfect body.... he was perfect. 

 wow, i really do love my best friend.

 Then my thoughts were interrupted by Josh's cute voice, saying

"Good morning, sleepyhead. How was your rest?"

He moved closer to me and put his hand through my hair, smiling. I blushed slightly, replying with

"I had a nightmare, actually." i said, hesitantly, knowing what he was gonna ask next.

"What about?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." 

I wasn't ready to tell him. I didn't wanna make myself obvious. 

he doesn't like me anyways.

"Whatever you feel like, Jelly." he said smiling, but i could tell he was slightly distraught.

  I wonder why? 

~~~~~Josh's pov~~~~~

"Whatever you feel like, Jelly." I replied, smiling at him. But i was worried. 

What could of happened in that nightmare? 

"I'm gonna make breakfast, i'll be in the kitchen if you need me." I told him.


why'd he sound so sad? 

I walked out of the bedroom, slightly distraught, worrying about jelly, my mind filled with questions.

Why wouldn't he wanna tell me about it?

Why did he sound do sad? 

Was the dream about... Me?

No, why would he dream about me? 

I slowly got the eggs out of the fridge, along with some ham, cut up some vegetables and mixed it together to create an omelette mix. I pour it in the pan, and start cooking it. Once its done i go to make another, this one for Jelly. I want jelly's to be warmer. While I'm making Jelly's, I go deep into thought.

I start to think of Jelly. His perfect face. His happy smile. His cute little giggle. I don't like when I can't help him. I want to help him. But I can't. I guess I'm overreacting. I can't help but be worried about him. Then I smell burning. 

"NO no no no. ughh." 

I burnt jelly's food. I don't have any more eggs either. I turned the stove off and tried to make the most of it. As I wasn't paying attention Jelly walked in. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, startling me.

"OH, god Jelly you scared me!" I say stifling a laugh at the end. 

"Is that for meee?" He asked, pointing at the omelette.

"Well, yes, It was going to be yours until I burnt it." I said sadly.

"Hey hey hey, its fine. Nobody's perfect." he said, hugging me.

 Your'e perfect. i thought to myself. I almost said it out loud. He is perfect. 


Hey, my duckies!! sorry that i havent been updating a lot, as its almost chritmas time and ive been really stressed. but dont worry about me, ill be fine lol. as always, leave any ideas in the comments, and have a good day!!!! 

(549 words)

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