You get your period 😀😔

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A/N: I actually got mine yesterday so I thought this would be the perfect time to do one cause I'm experiencing it right now 😀✋ cramps, that's all I'm saying 😔

Ciel Phantomhive:

You were lying in bed, asleep. As soon as morning rolled around, you were still asleep and a certain Earl grew worried at your absence. It was currently 2:45pm and you were still asleep, and Ciel had no idea. You had stayed up the night before trying to finish your book so you didn't get enough sleep, in other words; your exhausted.

It was around 3pm now and that was when Ciel had enough, he came looking for you. First of all, he tried your bedroom to see you sleeping. He looked at you in confusion as to why you were still sleeping, but those sleeping thoughts were pushed aside when he smelt...blood?

Ciel being a 13 year old boy, didn't really know what was going on so he ran up to your bed and pulled the covers of you. Once he did so, he saw a quite large pool of blood that you were sitting on. He had no idea what was going on, so of course he called for Sebastian.

"SEBASTIAN" Ciel yelled in a worried tone, startling you awake. "Yes, my lord?" Sebastian replied, now appearing out of nowhere. "Why is (Y/N) sitting in a pool of blood..? IS SHE OKAY?!" He asked the butler standing beside him, his tone not once changing to anything but worry.

Sebastian chuckled once he saw his reaction, that's when you groaned and turned around, now facing the two males. You slowly started opening your eyes to see them both looking at you. Your stomach started hurting at that exact moment so you gripped it and let out a pain filled wine. You looked down at the sheets and saw they were covered in your blood. "Awh, shit.." you mumbled to yourself, although they both heard you anyway.

"(Y/N) are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you gonna die? Why are you bleeding?!" Ciel asked you as you attempted to stand up, you just ignored him and locked yourself in the bathroom so you could sort yourself out. You knew Sebastian would tell him what was going on and also clean the bed sheets, so that didn't bother you.

Ciel soon after being told what you were going through felt embarrassed for overreacting. But who would blame him, he was only 13. Once you walked out the bathroom, you were right, the sheets were cleaned. Although you always wondered how Sebastian did it so fast..? Ciel came to visit you quite often in your room for the next week to check up on you. You thought it was cute.

Sebastian Michaelis

You had started your period yesterday and let's say, your cramps were killing you. And you honestly thought you were gonna die. After noticing your absence, Sebastian went to the guest room which was now technically yours to check on you.

As soon as he entered he saw you laying on the bed in the fatal position, reading a book holding your stomach. Sebastian knew exactly what was going on. He walked over to you and sat beside you on the bed. You hadn't even noticed his presence until he sat beside you.

You looked at his direction and gave a questioning look until it turned into a pained one and a groan of pain escaped your lips. You tried to calm down but your stomach really felt like it was twisting your insides. Mother Nature sure wasn't liking whatever you did to her... whatever it was.

"Do your cramps hurt, sweetie?" He asked you, his voice laced with concern and worry. "Yeah, they always do" you replied to him. You were starting to get tired so you later your head on Sebastian's chest, after doing so, out of instinct he moved his hand to stroke your hair.

The two of you spent the rest of the day (until sebby had to make dinner) cuddling and you napping on Sebastian's chest while he read you a book and tried his best to help you.

Alois Trancy

You had gotten your period a few days ago, this resulted in you being very clingy. You weren't the clingy type normally, you thought you could do everything on your own. But when it was that time of month, you were really clingy, you were just obsessed with hugs.

You were currently walking down to Alois study where he was right now to annoy him. He knew you were on your period, so you didn't hold back with the affection and he knew he had to bare it. He also knew he had to be nicer than usual because your mood swings were quite a hassle to deal with.

Once you reached the door to his study, you knocked 3 times signalling it was you before you heard the 'okay' to go inside. As soon as you stepped foot inside, you instantly walked over to Alois and sat on his lap. You laid your head on his shoulder after giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Alois want gonna lie, he liked your company, but you were very distracting drifting in and out of sleep on his shoulder. He tried to ignore it and carry on with his work, but he couldn't stop glancing at your cute sleeping face. You should be grateful you were on your period, cause you know what would have happened next 😀✋

Claude Faustus

Your period had started this morning and you weren't feeling the greatest. You and your boyfriend, Claude had planned on meeting up today but you weren't feeling up to going, your pains were getting worse and worse every time you would move or stay still for too long. It was a loose, loose situation.

You were currently in bed, trying to find a peaceful and comfortable position, but that wasn't going well. You had originally thought of laying on your stomach but your arms gave out and you fell not so gracefully on the mattress, somehow keeping it's original colour.

Claude was now at the destination the both of you agreed on meeting, but you were nowhere to be seen. He was very worried at this as he was usually the later one because of Alois. He was even 10 minutes late this time, so where were you?

Claude had thought you may have been running a little late so he sat down on a near bench and waited. A further 10 minutes went by and you were still nowhere to be seen, so Claude went over to the Phantomhive manor to look for you.

Before he even arrived, Sebastian was on the front yard, knowing he was coming over for his younger sister. And he was right. He knew he was. "Your here for, Claude?"  Your older brother asked, a smirk on his face as he already knew why he was here and what was up with you. "Your sister, what else Michaelis?" Claude replied.

"She's in the room upstairs, first to the right. I don't wanna see you anywhere else, I will be checking up on you both." Sebastian gave him a glare, stepping aside to let Claude inside.

Once he was inside, he went strait to your room. That's when he knew what was up. He walked over to you and sat beside you on the bed. It startled you at first, but you soon just pulled Claude down to lay next to you as you both cuddled for the rest of the day. Although, you would have wished for Sebastian to leave you alone with your boyfriend.

Grell Suitcliff

Grell simply adored your hugs, kisses and just anything about you in general. Although, when she had to work you distracted her a lot. You had started your period when you decided to take a bath this morning, you had accidentally fell asleep in the tub and was woken up by Grell walking inside the bathroom.

She had finished work for the day and went to your shared apartment, only to find you not there. She decided to check the bedroom the two of you shared, but you weren't there either. That's when she walked into the bathroom the two of you shared and he found you napping in the tub. He also noticed the bath water turning red where you were sat.

Grell immediately knew what was going on so she went and grabbed your things from your drawer, setting them on the side before helping you out in the bath before helping you get changed into your pyjamas.

Once you were all ready, you were extremely tired. Grell noticed this and helped you on the bed as she climbed on not long after, holding your stomach with one hand as the other played with your hair.

The two of you spent the rest of the day cuddling each other with you being more clingy  than usual and more tired. But Grell didn't mind your company. She quite enjoyed the chance to relax with you.

A/N: hey everyone! There is another part done, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D
Bai now!

Word count: 1551

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