someone harasses you

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Once again, this scenario was requested so I hope you all enjoy :)

BTW, (F/N/B) means: family name bakery :) 

Ciel phantomhive

Elisabeth had come over to the manor for lunch with you, later having you dragged into a guest bedroom to help you try on clothes. Obviously, clothes this revealing was only a joke among you and Elizabeth. Laughing at how the other looked, it was a nice way to spend every Wednesday afternoon.

You and Elizabeth had managed to 'secretly borrow' some of Ciels money he had around the manor, running out the large building to the local towns centre. You see, this was to spend Ciels money on ridiculous clothing for you to laugh at. Although, one minor detail stopped the afternoon from going as it was originally planned.

While paying for the clothing, a cloaked figure has come up behind you and held your waist, keeping one of his hands on Elizabeth's shoulder. Now, this made you uncomfortable. Elizabeth was not bothered by this, well, until you pointed out the clothing the both of you were wearing. Unfortunately, you had forgotten to change out of the revealing clothes you were already wearing.

However, to your prosperity, Ciel had followed you out of the building. Wondering where you were going with his money and those 'ridiculous outfits' in his words. Keeping the story short, the man didn't see the light of day for quite a while..

Sebastian Michaelis

You see, Sebastian almost never leaves your side other than things like bathroom breaks, changing clothing or wandering around the manor, right? Well, there isn't really a way someone could really 'harass' you or even want to get close to you with Sebastian giving them a death stare as he walked behind you. Himself being out of your vision.

Unfortunately, the manor was having one of those days where someone was trying to kill Ciel. Somehow, managing to get in without interference and hiding in your bathroom. Yes, your bathroom. Unlucky for you, you had just then decided to get a bath. Very unlucky if you ask me.

Without your understanding of this detail, you had simply walked into the bathroom, bath already prepared, making it quite difficult to see due to the steam from the hot water. Furthermore, making it more difficult to see the obvious cloaked figure in the corner of the room, poorly hidden behind the counter.

You had stripped down to your undergarments,  when the unknown person had come out of its hiding place, pulling you towards them. Screaming as much as you could before they put a hand over your mouth, stopping you from calling for help or even breathing properly for that matter.

Although, luck might have been on your side for awhile as Sebastian wasted no time in knocking down the door (due to it being locked) and punched the mystery figure in the face. Unlucky for them, the force was so great it killed them...
You reminded yourself to never mess with Sebastian after that.

Alois Trancy

Honestly, you weren't allowed out the manor unless you were with one of the servant's or Alois himself really. This made it quite difficult to get privacy of any sort. Although, you had managed to leave Hannah behind in a clothes shop as you wanted to do your shopping yourself without thinking she was judging your clothing choices. This left you to do as you wished well, that was until she had found you that is. 

With Alois being a complete and utter pervert, even for his age, of course he had you wearing some sort of revealing clothing. To your current lifestyle, this did not help with the unwanted stares and attention you were getting. Just as you were about to enter a store, a decent looking woman grabbed you by your wrist and dragged you into an alley way with her. At first, you were scared. Although after a few minutes you were just getting agitated as the only thing she seemed to be interested in was your body. 

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