they figure out your hobbies

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This scenario was kind of inspired by this comment I got:

Instead of doing art, I'm just going to do a variety of things

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Instead of doing art, I'm just going to do a variety of things. Just so there's something for everyone! I hope this is okay and that you enjoy :)

Ciel Phantomhive:

You didn't really have any hobbies, but there was one thing you really enjoyed doing. And honestly, you were concerned for people who didn't enjoy it. Plus, it was how you had met Ciel in the first place. Of course, that was shopping. Recalling when Ciel had tripped you over that one day, leaving you to pick up all your shoe boxes, made you want to both smile and kick him in the face. Realistically, Ciel should have known right away about your love for fashion, shopping and design although that common sense did take awhile to kick in. When he had eventually found out, he had devoted at least £50 to your shopping sprees, not wanting you to not have enough money. however, you never did tell him that he always give you a little too much money.

Sebastian Michaelis

Within having quite a lot of alone time, due to Sebastian always working, you had developed a love of reading. Most of the day, you would sit and read to no one in particular. you must admit, it was quite soothing. You didn't think Sebastian knew about your reading habits, however he would find some spare time to listen to your voice outside your door. However, that was only for a few minutes a day. He would also make sure to leave new books on your bedside table, knowing you would read them eventually. Also, lets say he would forbid anyone going into your room when you were reading. Just so no one would disturb you, of course.

Alois Trancy

You never knew why, but you had always enjoyed gardening and flowers. One of the main things you did as a child was make flower crowns and daisy necklaces. This lead to you practically being in control of the manors gardens, shouting at anyone who nearly touched your precious plants. No, you weren't a crazy flower person. You just loved your garden. Yes, it was now your garden. Alois had saw this, and had practically made the garden off limits to all the servants, well unless in a case of am emergency. He would also try to help plant some plants sometimes, although he wasn't very good at it. you also didn't know he had a soft side. That's surely not something you see everyday.

Claude Faustus

Since Claude was in fact Alois' butler, you would always offer to help him tidy around the manor. Although, over time this turned into more of a hobby than it was before. You would just do it naturally without even realising most of the time. Seeing that you enjoyed helping, Claude tried to make it more fun for you. He tried doing this through games such as: who can make the floor more sparkly? Who can get the cleaning supplies first? Or even, who can make the food taste better? You really enjoyed his attempt to make cleaning more special. Lets also say, you might of turned into a bit of a clean freak too.

Grell Suitcliff

Well, Grell did always seem like she would have been the person to like to sing and dance around your shared apartment, although people were always shocked to find you singing and dancing in Grells place. You never seemed like the person to do that, especially with your busy schedule with having to run the bakery lonely, with occasional help from Grell. It was like your therapy, well you would have described it as that if you knew what is was in the 1800s. It also helped deal with the rude customers at the bakery.

Hannah Annafellows

Similar to Claude, Hannah had to work quite a lot. This led to you not being able to see her often. Feeling like you were disturbing her when she was doing work around the manor, you left her alone for the most part. In conclusion, left you alone most hours of the day in your room. All this alone time led you to realise you really liked painting. At first, it was something to waste time however, it had become more of a natural thing than anything else. Of course with all the paintings you had done, Hannah had saw them around your room. She always made sure to buy you painting supplies.

The triplets

Who are we kidding? The protectiveness these men hold is scary at times. Even the slightest interest you show in something it will be yours. So, this was a big thing when they found out how much you loved reading and writing books. Of course, this at first was a way of getting bad thoughts out of your mind and writing them on a page, this helped as you were the one who could control how it went this time. You had also started reading to get more ideas for books you were unsure on how to continue. Unfortunately, this turned into a addiction, an addiction of the triplets constantly buying you writing supplies and stealing your unfinished books for sneak peaks.


Agni is quite literally the babysitter for both you and Soma. Ultimately, this leads to countless games with Soma to just annoy him. This isn't really a hobby, but it might as well be classed as one. You and Soma, playing games all day just to get some amusement out of this world. You weren't sure on how Agni got dragged into this in the first place, but you weren't complaining. It was actually quite funny, watching him practically run rigid when the two of you would pull stunts on him. But if it made you happy, he tried to not do anything about it.


With Soma being your boyfriend, the two of you probably have a sweet tooth. This lead you too constantly baking sweet treats for the two of you. soon enough, this turned into its own instinct. You would always find yourself with a random kitchen utensil in your hand when you had walked into the kitchen. Most of the time, this lead you to making sweet treats to the point you don't think the towns house would ever run out. Well, you had assumed it was Soma's doing that the kitchen always had ingredients to make whatever you were in the mood for.

A/N- I'm sorry this took so long to come out lol. School has been stressing me out and I've kind of forgotten about this book. No promises ill make new chapters frequently but I can try lol. I hope you all have a great rest of your day/night/evening or whatever time zone your in right now :)

bye bye <3

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