You catch them singing

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A/N- Sorry for not updating for awhile! I have had exams in school and I needed to study for them lol. hope you understand!

Ciel Phantomhive

You and Ciel had planned a date for later this evening. it was already 4pm, so you thought you would go and take a bath before the both of you headed out. While walking to the shared bathroom you could hear muffled singing coming from inside the door. Giggling, you kept walking towards the room, the singing getting louder and louder. By now, it was almost certainly Ciel. He had left the bathroom a few moments later, his eyes widening at your presence. Lets just say he was a little embarrassed. 

Sebastian Michaelis

You, Ciel and Sebastian had been out of the manor for approximately 2 days while  on a job from the queen. Unfortunately, this job included investigating a singing group, meaning at least one of us  would have to become one of the bands singers. Of course, this lead to Ciel making Sebastian do it instead. His singing wasn't that bad if I'm honest. What can I say? He's one hell of a singer. 

Alois Trancy

Lets be real here, you don't need to sneak up on Alois or persuade him to start singing, he will just do it. Sometimes even out of the blue. Sometimes, he would even try to persuade you to sing a duet with him. 

Claude Faustus

Claude does not sing. Well, that's what he wants everyone to think at least. Sometimes you would catch him humming along to tunes or lip singing the lyrics to songs when Alois would play them. You knew for a fact he was not an angel but your mind could have been changed when you heard his voice. 

Grell Suitcliff

Grell is kind of similar to Alois. She would sing all day and night if she could, not caring if anyone heard her. Although, that's what she wanted people to think. She would put on a persona around everyone else, making it seem like she does not care about what people thought of her. But she did care. Especially what you thought of her. Although, that didn't stop her from trying to impress you with her singing. 

Hannah Annafellows

Hannah would not sing often, scared of what Alois would do if he found she was having fun. After many days of trying to persuade her to sing for you, she finally agreed. Similar to Claude, even though she might be a demon, her voice is very angelic. 

the triplets

The triplets would sing at all times throughout the day, only stopping when Alois was in ear shot. They would even try and get you to sing with them sometimes. Although, you would never dare, too scared of Alois. 


The first time you saw Agni sing was when you first met him. You were visiting Soma one time and he had wanted to show you how good he had gotten at the piano. Although, you weren't paying much attention to Soma as you could hear faint singing in the background to the song he was playing. Ever since then, you would make him sing for you every time you would see him. 


Lets be honest, Soma is probably also one of the people who would be carelessly singing no matter the situation. You would never need to ask for him to sing. Sometimes you would even join in with him. 

A/N- Sorry if its a little rubbish lol. I kind of rushed it sorry!

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