You go missing/lost

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This scenario was requested by @hollow62 so I hope you enjoy!

Ciel Phantomhive

Most of the day, Ciel would be working in his study. Only taking breaks for tea and cake. With this happening almost all of the time, you really had no one to talk to in the manor other than the odd visit from Elizabeth and the servants. So, you had just gone out the manor without telling anyone. You were certain Ciel wouldn't mind you taking a little money to go out and spend.

It was around dinner now, Ciel usually stops his work at this time to eat with you. After not showing up for food he soon realised you were not in the manor and none of the servants knew where you were. This made him worry. Immediately sending Sebastian and himself out to look for you. It didn't take long of course, lucky they found you as you had gotten a little lost out in town. Let's say, you got more than a scolding for leaving and not telling anyone.

Sebastian Michaelis

You thought it was merely impossible to somehow get lost or taken when Sebastian constantly watched over you. However, you had somehow found a way to do so.

While wondering around the manor, you had noticed a figure standing behind a doorframe. You already knew who it was and why she was here, so you backed away slowly. A few seconds later, finding it was ineffective as the figure has somehow magically appeared behind you. Taking you away with her. You already knew who it was. You just wondered how long it would take Sebastian to realise Grell had taken you again.

Alois Trancy

It didn't take you long to realise that Alois was yelling at his servants again. You had gotten a headache from staying up late the night before so you didn't want to listen to the yelling inside the manor, so you exited into the manors yard instead. Sitting on a bench next to the rose bush you had planted a few months ago.

I guess you had fallen asleep because when you had awoke you were in an unknown place. You weren't sure where you were, but it looked like a basement or storage room of sorts. Realising that for some reason your 'kidnappers' didn't chain your hands or feet infused you but you weren't complaining. With Alois' constant temper tantrums you were absolute certain that he would have all the servants looking for you immediately. It was just a matter of time, you weren't worried at all.

It didn't take long for him to find you, about 10-20 minutes. A record if you would say. Although, your kidnappers wouldn't get a second chance to do a better job if you would put it that way.

Claude Faustus

You honestly weren't sure how you managed to get into this predicament, but you had somehow accomplished it. You weren't sure how you could ever get lost, kidnapped or go missing with Claude watching over you all the time. I guess anything is possible, so here you are. Sitting on a bench somewhere unknown to you. Not knowing where to go.

It didn't take long for Claude to notice that you still weren't back from town, deciding on going to look for you. It took longer than expected for Claude to find you, but I guess that was because you somehow ventured outside of London. Wonder how that happened.

Grell Suitcliff

The bakery was getting more and more customers recently and you had for some reason felt the need to get some more recipes for cakes, cookies and pastries. This gave you the great idea to go out to town to buy a new recipe book when Grell went to 'work'. Although, this brilliant idea left you lost in town, at least you find the book.

A few hours had passed and Grell had arrived at the apartment you shared to find you were not there. Considering the fact that you didn't have work today and hardly ever left the house, she immediately went out to look for you. With Grell hopping from house to house really quickly, she was certain that she would be able to find you, and she did. It didn't take long either.

Hannah Annafellows

This was one of the few days Hannah had gotten a day off from working, leading the both of you to plan to meet up today. It was 11am when you had set out to get your girlfriend a gift of sorts, considering you close to never see her. Although you thought time conceived you when you read your pocket watch. 3pm. You were supposed to meet Hannah half an hour ago. Lucky for you, she thought you had gotten lost or kidnapped about 5-10 minutes of waiting and decided to come look for you. This lead to her finding you not long after and the two of you had a great time, well that was before Alois wanted her back in the manor.

The Triplets

Once again, you thought it would have been merely impossible to get lost, kidnapped or anything like that with three, yes three, demons watching over you constantly. Although, you had managed it, confusingly. You yourself was proud this time. But also terrified that you had no idea where you were. So what's the logical explanation? You wait. It's only a matter of time until they come looking for you. You already knew that you would be okay. You just wanted them to hurry up as you were starting to get hungry.
It didn't take long though, about 10-20 minutes at most.


Getting lost was definitely something you were suspecting when you went to visit Agni. Although, you weren't sure on why it didn't happen sooner. You were new to the place where Ciel kept his 'vacation home' of sorts, so you weren't very familiar with its surroundings. While you were out getting some food from the 'local' bakery, you had realised you had no idea where you were or how to get back. Good job you told Agni to look out for you incase this happened at any time. You were lucky he knew where you were too.

Prince Soma

With Soma's childish actions, he had decided that the both of you should have a race to see who could bring back a sweet treat first for dessert later. Similar to Agni, you had no clue where anything was in this town but you accepted the challenge anyway. Seriously, how hard can it be? Just leave some bread crumbs behind and you will know where your going and where you came from. Although, this plan seemed to backfire as they had been eaten by birds along the way. This left you sitting outside the bakery, waiting for either Soma or Agni to come find you. You were going to be here awhile.

A/N- once again, I'm sorry if I wrote some scenarios in this similar to another, it's quite difficult to think of new things that could happen with every one of the different characters. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part! Im also sorry it took a little longer to make.

I was still wondering if you guys would like a QnA? Like a 'meet the author' or something? If so, leave some questions :)

Have a great day :)

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