He realises he likes you 😌

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Ciel phantomhive

Well, after your little dinner 'date' he invited you over to his manner for awhile.
Once you arrived you followed ciel to where you would be staying and made yourself feel at home, whist he went to finish some paperwork.

Ciel P.O.V:

As I showed Y/N to her room, I started walking back to my study as I had last minute paperwork to do.  As I sat down I had my quill in hand and was hovering over the paper however, I didn't know what to write. I was quite confused as I have been doing this all day, everyday after I was saved from that wretched place by Sebastian.

I couldn't think of what to write down on the completion sheet, but, the one thing my mind went to when I had finally thought of something was Y/N. What was this feeling..?
Could I have feelings for Y/N..?

Sebastian michaelis

You and Sebastian were walking around town together when you started to get hungry. Sebby being a demon, didn't need food but you didn't know that. You asked him if he wanted to get food because you were hungry, he just looked at you and nodded his head.

You both were walking to the food place (anywhere you wanna go 🤭✋) whilst sebby was also mentally yelling at himself for saying yes. He couldn't just go to the food place and not order anything even after being with you most of the day, and you knowing he hasn't eaten.

So why did he say yes..? Sebby felt a little attraction to you but he didn't know what it was. He knew it couldn't be love as demons couldn't feel love, or was it..?

Alois trancy

You were going to visit him again cause like why not-

When you got there alois was not his usual self-

Like he was distancing himself from you-

You were confused by this so you went to ask him what was up 😏✋

He literally just turned into a blushing mess as soon as he saw you approaching.

He ran away after it and locked himself in his study-

Alois P.O.V:

Why do o feel this way..?
Why do I keep running away when I see her..?
Why does my face get all red..?
Is this love..?
Do I actually like this girl..?

Me: DaYuM gUrL gEt yO mAnZ

Claude Faustus:

Sebby was still upset with you for going to see Claude so, you went over to town to 'borrow' a cat from the streets for him-

Whilst in town you met him again, but this time he was out shopping with Alois.

You decided you didn't wanna make your brother upset again, so you hoped he didn't see you and you walked to a cat shelter.

Oh but he saw you alright 😏✋

He made up some weird excuse to Alois that he actually believed and went to follow you.

He found you in the cat shelter and immediately knew why you were there. So he picked you up and walked out the shop to a pet store, where he stood and stared at the spiders, and you when you weren't looking 😏✨

He never thought he would love anyone like he did you, so he was determined to keep you safe 😌💅🏻

A/N: there's how they fell for you 😏✋
What should I do next..?

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