first kiss~

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Ciel Phantomhive

you and ciel were playing chess like usual. And ofc he was winning-

you were trying too think of a strategy so you could win, then it came to you.

"cielllll" you wined, in the grisliest voice you could, and he looked up at you. " yes?"

this was when your plan was set into action, "how are you so good at playing chess?"

you asked him in the same voice, he took awhile to reply before doing so, but he eventually did.

" practice. then more practice." that was his answer, short and simple. "so because you've won so many games, can I win this once pleaseeee?" you asked again, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

" you should try harder if you want to win (Y/N)" he said again in his usual monotone voice, making you pout.

another idea soon popped into your head as the game still continued. you arose from your seat, watching as ciel looked at you in confusion.

you walked over to him and placed a kiss on his lips, only a small peck though. this made him flustered. and I mean flustered.

you sat back down in your seat, and with ciel still in a state of shock, confusion and embarrassment, you were able to win that game of chess ;).

sebastian Michaelis,

you were visiting the manor again, but this time ciel said you could stay the night. this you were very exited about.

once you arrived, sebby was at the door, smiling a genuine smile when he extended his arm to yours to help you get out of the carriage.

you and Sebastian were taking a walk in the garden when ciel ordered sebby to make him his morning tea. you continued strolling around the garden, after saying goodbye to your lover, and you found a nice tree so you decided to lye down next to it, reading your favourite book.

you guessed staying up late the night before, being exited about seeing sebby again, tired you out as you fell asleep.

about 10-20 minutes had passed when sebby was done attending to ciel and had come back outside to see you asleep on a tree trunk. sebby smiled to himself, yet again another genuine one, and picked you up bridle style and took you to your chambers for the night.

he laid you down gently, not wanting to awake you as he gave you a small peck on the forehead then lips, wishing you goodnight, as he left your room to attend to ciel.

Alois Trancy

your first kiss was actually an accident-

although, you were sure Alois did that on purpose.

you were minding your own business in you betrothed's library, reading a book when Alois walked in. he was on a ladder, trying to reach a book when he just so happened to fall of. you, being not too far away from the ladder, just happened to get a falling Alois on you.

when Alois was falling, he somehow managed to turn a 180 degrees angle, falling with his face on yours, resulting on him "accidentally" kissing you.

your still sure he did that on purpose.

Claude Faustus

I was running out of ideas here- sorry-

you and Claude were at Alois' manor again, since your masters needed to discuss things that the Queen had ordered. you had started getting an aching body from cleaning, since you were only a half demon, and took a rest on the bed. Claude looked at you confused as to why you were taking a break but soon realised when he say you holding your hip.

he walked over to you, gently sitting down next to you as you rested your head on his shoulder. " are you okay, love?" he asked with a small piece of concern in his voice. although, you knew he was trying to be gentle, his words startled you. resulting you letting out a small sigh.

you lifted your head from his shoulder as you looked directly into his eyes, " just a little ache, don't worry." you said, trying to sound reassuring. But unfortunately, he didn't buy it. he looked at you strait in the eye, as you were him, and gave you a genuine smile. he game you a small kiss on the lips and you rested your head back on his shoulder, not wanting the day to end.

A/N- And thats a rap people!

I really hope you enjoyed this asit took me almost an hour to write as i ran out if ideas-

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