what they would do on new years

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Ciel phantomhive:

You really think he gets a break? more than likely he would be on a job or doing a mass ton of paperwork all day with the excuse of staying awake due to watching the fireworks that would light the skies at exactly midnight. Of course, he never did see them. A mere excuse it was. The only time he probably has seen the new years fireworks was when his parents were still alive, before he made a deal with the devil. But with you being you, dragging Ciel out of his workplace without a hassle wasn't much of a problem. It was done quite frequently actually. But what seemed to happen confused you, he was there before you, in the middle of London with Sebastian and everyone else. Now, this was something that certainly wouldn't have been predicted by anyone. He actually came outside without the need of anyone telling him. you travelled down with Lizzy obviously, not wanting to go alone, plus mey-rin who drove the carriage there and back for you both. It was probably one of your favourite nights with him.

Sebastian Michaelis

Sebastian never really gets a break when it comes to protecting Ciel. He is his prey after all. How could he devour his soul if some assassin murdered him in cold blood? It wouldn't exactly be practical. They could come at any time, any where. If he was spending all his time with you or doing other things, he wouldn't be there to protect his prey. This meant that he had to have all eyes and ears around the manor when he was doing other things. You only wondered how he did it. Knowing every secret, where things were hidden, who was friend of foe. He knew it all. At first, he didn't let you go to watch the fireworks on New Years with your friend because of a feeling he had. Of course, he was right about him. However, he did make it up to you through watching the fireworks through a window of the manor. He would have taken you in person but Ciel was insistent on saying indoors.

Claude Faustus

Cold hearted statue. That's what he was. The only thing he cared about other than you, was Alois' soul. For a fact, it did bother you that he seemed to care more about his lunch of sorts than you yourself, but you tried to ignore it. You were happy he even cared about you with a heart like his. Cold. Unable to feel emotions. You honestly felt bad for him, but you knew he was trying. That's why he made an effort to put together a nice picnic for new years. Although the only thing in there was plain sandwiches , tea and some freshly picked berries that he had bought from town earlier that day. You liked he was showing he cared, even is it wasn't in the way you would like. You still liked to spend time with him in any way you could.

Alois Trancy

This boy has lots of money and lots of intentions to go with it. You ask for something, you will get it. Most of the time ten times more grand than you would have liked, but that's just Alois' way of love I suppose. He was always going over the top. That's why you weren't expecting anything less from him for New Years. However, everything you had asked for was exactly how you asked it to be. Nothing was exaggerated, nothing was underestimated. They were perfect. Since it was your first new year together, he wanted it to be how you wanted it to be. Although, he had informed you it would be even better next year, if there was a next year that is.

Grell suitcliff

Well, besides his overly great obsessions with certain people, Grell doesn't really have any outstanding features. Well, if you didn't  count the long red hair that was constantly untamed or the chainsaw that would appear out of nowhere, but that's beside the point. In the eyes of thepublic, Grell was just your girlfriend with excessive obsession problems who liked to help out in the bakery from time to time. This didn't bother you, it gave you many chances to hang out with her without people calling you weird for hanging around with "that". This gave her the perfect opportunity to set up something for New Years, this resulted in her asking as many people as she knew for help with advice. She really wanted to make things perfect. And she did really well, that was s night not soon to be forgotten.

Hannah Annafellows

Hannah never really had much time away from working, it was constant. Always being called by Alois to do some type of work. This never did help your relationship. It resulted in not enough time to spend with each other. Now, you tried to not let this inconvenience break the bond the two of you had already formed, although it was difficult with the lack of communication. New Years had rolled around sooner than expected, resulting in you wanting to spend the day with her. You knew it couldn't be easy for her to take a day off, but you sure tried your hardest. Although, it didn't seem to be enough as Alois still refused to give her any time away from her "duties" . You had to admit, it broke your heart. Almost giving up on the idea all together, Hannah had been talking to Claude and the triplets about the same thing, you considered yourself lucky that they agreed. it wasn't everyday they agreed to help each other. You and Hannah got to spend new years together after all.

The triplets

Similar to Hannah and Claude, they never had much free time. You could say Alois is very strict. He doesn't cure about his servants of course, he's just very strict towards them. Getting him to let all three out at a time was going to be quite a problem. With 4 people bombarding him with questions at a time you were unsure on how this would play out. The outcome was not as expected, you weren't sure on how to feel about it. Only one was allowed out with you. Well, it is better than none but it still is kind of disappointing. However, your night was soon changed when you realised they were switching places with each other every few minutes. Let's hope Alois doesn't find out.


Almost every year, New Years is spent looking at fireworks from outside your bedroom window. Although, it was your first new year with Agni, and he was insistent on going to watch them physically this year. Although, it did pose a problem. Surely you couldn't leave soma all alone? at the very least you would return home with it not being burned to the ground. So with no other option, you had to take him with you guys. Of course, Agni was nervous with having to watch over two literal children for the whole night. But you were thankful for him anyway. You would say the best part was when Soma bought all the sweets he could at a stall just outside where the fireworks were, the look on Agnis face was priceless.

Prince Soma

Well, considering he is a childlike adult of sorts, you didn't underestimate his excitement for New Years to come around. He was "over the moon" as some British people would say. That same smile didn't leave his face until he realised you had to leave for work from the 29th of December to the 2nd of January. This meant you wouldn't be here for New Years. Now, Soma wasn't having any of this. You wondered why he was always on the phone recently, he didn't even know how to use it until recently.although, you soon figured out he was secretly talking to your boss, saying he wouldn't allow you to work on new year's.  You weren't sure how but it seemed to work pretty well. He had gotten the job delayed until the 6th of January. Getting dragged to the New Years party in the town may not be so bad of an idea anyway.

A/N - I know I'm a little late for New Years, but I had already started this and completely forgot about it lol. I thought it would be better to finish this and eventually get it out rather than me doing 4 characters then leaving it until next year.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I'll try update more lol

Love you guys <3



Bye bye

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